

  • It's not too hard if you plan it out right. My goal is 1,380, but I tend toe end up under it or be full around 1000 calories You just plan it out right with lots of low cal foods that are filling!
  • Something I've done, that isn't super low cal but is good and not too horrible for you is: 1 sheet chocolate graham cracker 1 tbsp Peanutbutter 2 tbsp Fluff It's about 200 calories.
  • You want it to be apx. where your calorie goal is. You should be eating at least 1,200 a day though, just to keep your body going. You don't have to eat back everything that you burned, but make sure you are eating. If you have MFP set to lose a pound per week that will make sure you have the proper deficit.
  • Hello there, You mentioned tofu, which is a great way to get protein. But remember you can always combine beans and rice for a complex protein. Eggs are also a good source. I'm assuming since you eat eggs that you're probably lacto-ovo? If not, I apologize. Milk and cheese are good sources of protein as well. Then you have…
  • While my fiance is dieting, somewhat, he has a much smaller goal than myself and a much higher calorie count. Sometimes what I'll do is make enough of the healthy meal, but make enough so that he can have a better portion. Like tonight we made veggie burgers with a side of cucumbers and steamed cheesy veggies. I made sure…
  • Boca burger on a sandwich thin with mustard and spinach with a side of fresh salted cucumber and light steamed veggies in cheese sauce (only 45 calories a serving!). It was pretty good!
  • I think I have yet to find the Gardein brand. Do most supermarkets carry it? I definitely have tried the MorningStar Chik'n Strips and they're good, but the one place that sells them where I am is usually out for some odd reason.
  • Imara6mara- I'll try adding in more salad. I usually don't use dressing, so I should be good. I'll throw in some spinach, zucchini, and cucumber tomorrow with lunch. The sleep thing is interesting, I'll have to keep an eye on it. I slept fairly decent the night before considering I had a migraine. I slept about 9 hours, so…
  • I can try finding a way to add in a little extra protein. Maybe work in some tofu or cheese or something. I just keep going over the MFP recommended protein already. It recommends about 52g per day and I ended with 64g, so I was significantly over.
  • I can try that out this week and see how it goes weight loss wise. I've been losing fairly fast, about 6 pounds in just under two weeks, so it might work out. Yeah, the meal skip wasn't intended, but I ended up not having time to fix a quick breakfast before church because my fiance's dad trapped me in a conversation, so I…
  • For what I can I'm measuring out all my food for pretty much everything. MFP is what generated about what I should have in a day based off my activity level and weight loss goal of a pound a week.
  • You're totally fine. =] I don't mind suggestions or anything like that as long as they're phrased nicely. Currently, my calorie goal is set at 1,380. Yeah, I try to eat fairly decent, but once it's about the end of a shopping cycle it gets hard to. I think I'm going out within the next day or two though. I have some…
  • Today, about 3 bottles of water along with a black coffee.
  • Yeah, that's what I figured, but I'm still trying to stay within my calorie goal.
  • I do about once a week because I usually never eat my allotted calories during the week. I had mine on Friday. I had a smoothie with tapioca pearls and then about half an order of cheese enchiladas with a few bites of rice, and chips with salsa. I did later have a unhealthy snack though, but that was mainly due to…
  • I'll look into setting at .5/lb per week. I just want to make sure I have plenty of time if things taper off. I'm getting married next summer and want to have room to work with if something comes up. I'm not sure how things will be once I move and am stuck eating cafeteria food at college again. Yeah, I have mine set at…
  • Yeah, I considered maybe it just seemed that way since I'm getting back into all of this again and maybe I was just adapting again...but everyone I've talked to has thought that number,1380, to be a bit low. My fiance is working on losing weight as well and was shocked when comparing his against mine even.
  • Hello, I know that it hasn't been uncommon for me to lose appetite and not really be interested in food when I am on my period. I've heard others mention it as well, so unless it's something totally new, I wouldn't be too concerned. You could always double check with your doc if you're concerned. I typically tend to eat…
  • Cwolfman13- I exercise when I can but I have been doing a fair amount of traveling and such and recently have felt under the weather so I haven't been able to but the prior week I did a lot of outdoor work. The calories that I burned off I did eat the majority of them back, so I'm not sure what is going on there.…
  • Ah, my bad, I for some reason thought I had posted age and such. I'm a 19 year old female who is around 5'6-5'6.5 and as of today I weigh 151.2 pounds. Yeah, I've gone through a weight lost process before but never dropped weight this quickly. I found it a bit odd. Especially because I haven't been able to be the most…
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