

  • Level 2 is no joke! We're hanging in there but it's tough!
  • My sister, my husband and I all use RunKeeper for iphone, we LOVE it!
  • I really hate the first cardio session, jumping jacks and jump rope. It's not that I can't physically do it, but all the jumping/being on tip toes kills my knees and calves. I usually sub in high kicks for one of the two. [/quote] I get shin splints easily, so instead of jumping rope the normal way, my husband suggested…
  • I had the same problem, part of it was paying attention to when I worked out, for me it's easier to work out in the early evening. That way I can make sure that I eat properly during the day and eat foods that give me energy. I also make sure that I get enough sleep, the night before, and it helps working out with someone…
  • That was a little rough! I definitely feel a little shreded, but I'm looking forward to it at the same time!
  • Yup, husband and I are starting tonight. We're a little intimidated but looking forward to it!
  • I cut the tofu into strips and then place in a ziploc with soy sauce, sriracha, minced garlic and ginger, mirin and rice wine vinegar. I let it sit overnight in the fridge and then dump all of it into a frying pan and cook it down over a low heat then add udon noodles and veggies like carrots and broccoli and it's really…
    in Tofu Comment by larose12 August 2011
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