

  • Oh ya! I was off for a few days, and weighed myself two days ago and was up nearly six pounds! As of this morning, I'm only a pound away from being where I was before the holidays. Phew! I just went back to plan yesterday with lots of water, low sodium, and a thirty minute work out.
  • I've never had a problem. But you have to be careful to actually buy the real Stevia, and not Truvia. Most companies that use stevia, do not use it in it's pure form .The only brand I buy is from Sweetleaf. True stevia does not cause an insulin spike as it has no glycemic index.
  • I wouldn't stick to the numbers, esp if you weight daily. There are so many reasons why weight fluctuations. For instance, I learned this morning that even if the area you live in is experiencing "low pressure" weather, the scale will go up! Who would have known that? Just keep plugging away, and you'll do fine.
  • No you should be fine. I eat enough protein as my lean body mass. According to my personal trainer, my lean body mass is 133lbs. So, I try not to eat over 133 grams of protein a day.
  • I've actually experienced the reverse... I got a lot more now that I eat NO fiber! Go figure. My best advice, is really to make sure you are eating enough animal fats, or even add in a tbsp of flax oil a day. After a few days, you'll have no problems. Also, senna tea (known as dieters tea) works wonders. Drink a cup of tea…
  • I have, after a few weeks of being on plan, taken a meal and ate what I wanted. But, then I went back on plan. I think anything like a whole cheat day or week is bound to result in lots of cravings, and struggles. I'm realistic in that I'm not going to be perfect on keto/LC my whole life, so I do try to enjoy an off plan…
  • I keep the cardio more on a lower impact side right now. 30 minutes elliptical, and 30 minutes walking on the treadmill at various inclines. At some point, I may reduce it down to 30 minutes and focus on some high interval training. I remember once many years ago when I was at a lower weight, and once I reduced my cardio…
  • Thanks for the advice! Well I've only really been trying the other stuff out the last three weeks prior to, so I don't think a reset would really be for me. Because I'm in the Army Reserves, or at least waiting for it to be "official," I can't risk a gain on the scale right now. I'm already in a tight position where a…
  • ^^ This is also what I experience, so I actually don't go crazy on workouts right now like some do. I love working out, but if you like to check the scale for losses daily, then I actually recommend reducing your work outs. I have found that reducing my work outs from 60 minutes of cardio to 30 minutes, and adding some…
  • I agree with what others have said; try not to go over 100 grams of protein at the most. Ideally, you should always have fat higher than protein. It's one of the misconceptions of eating low carb in that it's supposed to be the other way around. I find I can't lose if that ratio is messed up. For fats, try adding heavy…
  • It could be the working out. Me personally, I can eat real clean low carb and watch my calorie intake, but when I work out, the scales won't show any losses until I don't work out for a few days which is why I usually don't even step on the scale until Monday morning since I don't work out on the weekends. It's probably…
  • I'm 5'4 and my highest was a bit over 200lbs when I started. I'm now around 191lbs as of yesterday. I have a few goal weights I want to hit: First goal: 170lbs Second goal: 150lbs Long term goal: 130lbs I want to hit 170lbs first because I know I can pass bodyfat standards in the Army Reserves since I'm trying to get back…
  • I've been saying, or rather procrastinating, that I've wanted to lose weight. I've been at my highest weight for some time now. But, it really hit home when I realized that if I wanted to re-enlist in the army, I couldn't until I lost weight. I've never had my weight dictate what I can or can not do, but this time, it was…
  • You are eating way too little in my opinion. I can't even lose weight eating as little as 1200 calories, and I have to eat as much as 1600 calories. Especially considering the way you're working out as well. You'll end up gaining, or retaining, what you eat. I've been there before years ago, and it's not a fun place to be…
  • I think that's fine! For me personally, I eat off plan once about every week or two, and so far, I notice it helps. But mostly, it ends up helping me want to stay on plan because I hate feeling miserable the next day. It's a very interesting and noticeable difference.
  • I wouldn't worry about it. My fiance would say the same thing, and I know he is supportive. I mean in all reality, what did you want him to say? I wouldn't sweat it! :)
  • Fat bombs are my favorite, especially when I want something salty/crunchy!
  • That's my biggest problem, is keeping my MOJO up LOL. Right now, since I'm really just starting into watching what I eat, and working out again, and I have a lot more to lose... I try to remember, and keep it actively in my mind, about when I first had to lose weight 11-12 years ago. I had lost 30lbs in 6 weeks, and before…
  • Drink tons of water, and add more protein/fat. I remember a few years ago, I only wanted to drop like 15lbs. The only thing that seemed to work and kept me in the 1500 calorie range once I got home from work, was to make a protein shake an hour before bed, made with water, chocolate protein (no sugar/low carb) and I'd add…