

  • Also take your husband and the doggie for long walks. Good for doggie, good for husband, good for you!
  • Also the nutritional value is decreased since it is all pre-processed foods. I make some chicken and veggies for work and change the sauce daily so I don't get bored.
  • You can do it... trust me, If I can do it anyone can. try keeping fresh vegtables in the house so when you want to snack just grab some green peppers. The best advice I can give is log everything. (even when you go over) you will start to turn down the Cookies for apples so you don't go over. Good luck! if you need anythin…
    in Hi! Comment by banchubob August 2011
  • HI! I love MFP without it I would have never been on my way to achieving my goal! Keep up the good work!
  • I agree with spacecase76. Nothing make me feel better then a long trail run! Just keep logging everything... good and bad and you will get there
  • I know you can do it... because is my lazy A** can do it anyone can. I love Myfitnesspal because it helps you make healthy decisions on what to eat. Just keep up the good work!
    in Hi Comment by banchubob June 2011
  • I love Endive and can't wait to try... thanks!
  • You can do it! trust me If I was able to everyone is!
  • I use the GMC AMP 60 because it is genital on my stomach. I had some issues with other powders because I am sensitive to lactose. I love going to GMC because all you have to do is tell them the problem you are having and they will point you in the right direction. Good luck!
  • I love these as well, I munch on celery, green peppers, an apple and a cucumber when I am Hungary. Pair the apple with a cheese stick or a yogurt. Good luck!
  • Welcome, If I ca do it anyone can! Just never give up!
  • Great to Hear Keep it Up!!!
  • I felt the same way... I signed up about 1 month ago and have tried to keep on track. I so far have lost 16lbs. The best advise I can give is just keep at it and even log those bad days!!!! There are great snack ideas in the recipe forums and if you need anything at all just send me a message. Remember YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • I agree my mother in law tells me the same thing But you can do it!!!!
  • Veggies, Veggies, Veggies. I love cutting cravings with Green Bell Peppers.Also my serious addiction to Cheetos was hard to overcome but I bought some of the 100 calorie packs (tried buying one big bag and making the small bags myself but that was a disaster) and I allow myself one a day. It is just enough to fight my love…
  • Just dropping by to see how it is going so far! I see you lost 5lbs already! Great job keep up the good work!
  • I agree this Site is amazing and got me exercising again! Don't forget if you have access to a pool swimming laps is a great low impact calorie burner. I try to swim once a week but these cold fronts keep the water a little chilly. (live in south Florida)
  • Don't forget about raw Veggies, Celery, Carrots, Cucumber, Tomatoes, and Bell Peppers help me get through the day! Also try making a salad of Arugula, Green Beans, and broccoli slaw. (But watch the Dressing, I found one that is zero calories. Walden Farms Thousand Island) Without the veggies I found be finishing off 3 bags…
  • I was in the same position I weighed 212 lbs 1 month ago, but I kept with the program and exercising and now weigh 196.5. The only thing I miss is my Cheetos, but I decided to stop the Cheetos intake so I did not have to stop drinking Beer. I wish you luck in losing 20lbs and I am proof that the program does work. Through…
  • Great Job!!!!! Keep up the good work! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Anything I can help with please just message me! Also I found that Swimming is a great low impact exercise, I try to swim laps at least once a week. The hardest thing I found is keeping exercising. Once you start logging your food it starts to only take seconds because it remembers everything that you put in. I am boring…
  • I have been craving chips, I found Kale chips in a health store and tried them.... Amazing. I also located numerous recipes online and am going to try to make them myself. Talk about a Low Calorie snack only 58 cal a serving. Also trying to make a low calorie bread, I'll let you know how it goes (to put your ticker in just…
  • Welcome! It works, 20 days - 14lbs, I was on the aggressive side at the beginning and started working out (lol). Now I have my Calories set to lose 1 pound a week. I learned the program helps you make healthful decisions and now that I bring lunch to work I am also saving money. There are great ideas for low calorie snacks…
  • 2 tps of Peanut Butter in between two Rice Cakes (plain)