
Hi, I am pretty new to this site. Due to health problems I really need to lose the weight. I have problems staying motivated. I am retired so its very easy to snack. I am hoping this site will give me the support i need to lose the weight for good.


  • banchubob
    You can do it... trust me, If I can do it anyone can. try keeping fresh vegtables in the house so when you want to snack just grab some green peppers. The best advice I can give is log everything. (even when you go over) you will start to turn down the Cookies for apples so you don't go over. Good luck! if you need anythin just ask. Add me if you want!
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    The best thing for me I have found is to "friend" lots of people here for support every day. I log each and every thing I eat. Some days, I might not do well. That happens. I log it anyway, and I make my diary open to all my friends to view. I rely upon them to comment on the good and bad of my eating, offer support, condolences and suggestions. I find that the more accountable I am to others, the better I do every day. Also, making friends here is great because when I want to snack, I find myself sitting at the computer typing instead, checking in with all of them. Keeps my fingers busy and out of the snack bags. Feel free to friend me if you want. I would love to help you along the way too.