180 minutes climbing, canoeing, hiking. 0 minutes remaining!! This was a great challenge! I think next time I will only count climbing. It would definitely motivate me to get more climbing hours in. I'm really impressed with what you guys are counting for your 24 hours (lookin' at you b3achy plank challenge). Thanks guys…
climbing 120 minutes : 160 remaining
3 hours climbing 3 hours biking (over the last few days) : 280 remaining!
Climb 180 minutes. 640 remaining
29 new posts!! You guys are amazing!
100min biking. 830 remaining
180 minutes climbing. 930 remaining
180 minutes climbing, 30 minute bike ride. 1110 minutes remaining.
120 minutes biking. 1320 remaining
Cool, I'm in!
Day 1 Yay! I might go up in squats but I'm pretty beat. Maybe I should do a full cycle before I change anything. Hope it's going well for you guys!
I'm a bit behind you... I've just finished the eval days. Pulling is going to be a challenge because I don't have a door in my apartment besides the one to the hallway (I know...who doesn't have a door...) so I had to skip ahead to 9 (Let me ups). I might start with negatives on a bar if that's too hard. Squatting feels…