lacost Member


  • If you have a set of resistance bands you could throw one in your bag to take with you? I also travel to work (not as far as Nigeria) so I usually bring a resistance band with me anywhere I go in case the hotel im staying at doesnt have a gym.
  • I have done Jillian's 30 day shred and enjoyed it. I have a hard time with Blogilaties after listening to Casey for an extended period of time. I find Jillian personally to be much more motivating. I would say choose whichever program you are more likely to stick to and go with that.
  • I like a book called Thug Kitchen.
  • I also really struggle with finding balance in my life, so if other have advised I would love to hear it as well. A typically day for me is: 630-7 wake up, get ready, commute to work 830-5 typical work hours. I am "supposed" to get an hour for lunch, however have been really busy lately so usually take about 30. I try to…
  • I recently bought a set of resistance bands. Lately, if I am watching TV I will do a "mini" workout while the show is on. I just found youtube videos with the exercises.
  • I am Liane and im 22. I recently graduated university and gained about fifteen pounds since i started working at my current job. I have been on and off this app for quite some time and have recently been trying to get motivated to exercise once again. I have also struggled with binging and anorexia
  • Toronto
  • I too am 21 years old and have struggled with an eating disorder for much of my life. I am a female however, so I would think my experience would be much different and my assumption is that services for males are few and far between. I can only speak to my experience, and whether you would find that helpful, I am not sure.…
  • Check out Davids Tea. They have a lot of sweeter teas that may be of interest to you
    in Tea? Comment by lacost July 2015
  • Im 21 and also recently graduated university. I now work an office job that requires a lot of sitting, with very little opportunity for going for walks during the day. I have found eating well a really big challenge as i have been working long hours and preparation is very difficult. I am also looking for friends to help…