

  • You should not be eating less than 1200 calories. I found myself on somedays only consuming around 800. I was satisfied; however your body will hold onto any food that it gets if it thinks food is hard to come by. If I was you I would do at least 1200 calories if not a few hundred more. I'm eating around 1750 a day or just…
  • mrivera713 go ahead and get the forerunner then. It's really inexpensive these days....and free is always better than throwing money out there every year. I kinda see it as free insurance for my body every day. Just think you get to save 80 bucks a year!
  • Right now I am currently living in Italy for over two years. I have found that the Italian culture is quite a bit different. Straight men walking down the street holding hands or having their arms around one another as if they were gay. I've had numerous Italians pinch my daughters cheeks and run their hands through their…
  • I have the Garmin Forerunner 305 w/ HRM. It tracks all the necessary information. I don't think I need something telling me how well I slept. I can usually tell that in the morning when my alarm clock goes off. I use MFP for tracking everything I eat along with Endomondo to track my cardio workouts and just to be 100%…
  • Yes, lift heavier and do 8-10 reps. Once you can start doing that weight to 12's time to bump it up again.
  • There are really no alcohol subs. I usually drank mixed drinks like whiskey and coke. I just cut out the whiskey.....then the coke. I subbed my coke for sprite zero and eventually cut out all sodas. To tell you the truth the only way to quit drinking and stay that way easily is to not put yourself in situations to be…
  • Regardless if you are losing weight or not it is still a good idea to get thyroid blood work accomplished every six months to see where you stand. It takes six weeks for your body to adjust to the medication and another six weeks to start seeing results. This is what my doc has said. It is something you want to keep up on…
  • I have been on Levothyroxine for 6 months now and had my medication adjusted 3 times. I started gaining weight and I was constantly tired. The Doc finally shot me up to 100mcg and my weight stood still for a bit. He also had me on a all protein diet which really sucked. It was hard and I lost absolutely no weight at all. I…
  • If you become addicted to water....let me know. I drink a lot of it in the course of a day, but I sure ain't addicted to it. I find myself several times a day saying "dave...pick up the drink" Once you cut out all sodas, alcohol, crystal light and your only option is water; it becomes a hell of a lot easier to…
  • You can have sugar. Don't cut it out; however do it in moderation. Use this program to tell you that you're doing wrong. I have a single serving of my Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream every day during lunch so that I can control my sweet tooth. Of course I could devour an entire 1 gallon bucket of Ice Cream but I…
  • Don't lose the motivation. As soon as you lose that, then the FAT has won. It will come back, because a life of loafing around eating potatoe chips and ice cream is soooo much easier than getting off your butt and doing something. I know....cause I like potatoe chips and ice cream. I still keep a serving a day of those two…
  • Because it wouldn't be human to just accept what was said. If we were to accept everything we were told then we would all believe the government is doing a great job right now. It's human nature to debate. True, acceptable answers come from people discussing things back and forth. That is why it's a debate and everything…
  • Avocado's huh? Well just remember that a Avocado weighing 130g has about 240 Calories. But good choice though as they are high in Vitamins E, C, B6 and potassium. Good luck to you and don't let the scale get you down. Well your attitude that want the weight numbers down. ha ha ha
  • Already gave ya what I thought you should up. No more than 1750 I'd say. If it seems hard to reach that then just add a few fat calories in there somewhere to reach that daily goal. Then bump back down the next day. Like I said you'll show a few lbs back on the scale because right now with having only bumped it up to 1400…
  • Good to see that someone else agrees! If you cut calories even more from 1200 (which you shouldn't) then your body will start going into starvation mode. It will assume that you cannot eat that often and start storing anything you eat as a protective measure. Those lbs will come right back. I know its hard to believe…
  • This is about the Paleo Diet, which states caveman diet. Meat!!!l; however it explains the inner workings of the diet and why it works so well along with the health benefits that we should already have if we were truly eating correctly. Take a look, it can't hurt.
  • Well you did do one thing that stuck out there. The zig zag dieting. However 150 cals can't really constitute as a zig zag. At any point of the day you could accidentally eat 150 cals....people graze. I would suggest 1500 calories one day then no more than 1800 the next. 1750 may be a little more specific, but you want to…
  • DO NOT! cut down to 1200 Cals a day. Your body will question you when it comes to food and start putting the weight back on since it thinks it might starve. Technically, based off of the Health and Wellness Center females should not cut back any more than 1500 Cals a day. I strongly advise against it. If you find your…
  • Well you came to the right place! Eating and scanning the barcode on things has made keeping track of Calories that much easier.
  • fitflores I'm on the same medication and if you are on 50mg you might wanna go back to the Doc and ask him WTF. lol. it should be 50mcg which is what I'm thinking you meant, but just in case you might want to check that. At this moment in time I am on 100mcg and I have finally started to stabilize. I know it's difficult to…
  • At the moment I am on Levothyroxin which is for under active (hypo) thyroidism. I have to take meds every day for the rest of my life and it does put a damper on a day. Being tired all the time was a big issue which made exercising non-existent in my life. I felt I couldn't sleep enough. Even with cutting calories and…