Freaking out!!! :(

I have been consistently staying at or below my calories and have not lost ANYthing in 6 weeks. I tried upping my calories by 150, zig zagging, eating more protein less carbs, new workouts... Now I'm on day 4 of the 30 day shred. I weighed myself and from last week I've gone from 120.8 to 122.6!! How have I gained?!? I want to lose these last ten pounds not GAIN! What should I do? :'(


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I have been consistently staying at or below my calories and have not lost ANYthing in 6 weeks. I tried upping my calories by 150, zig zagging, eating more protein less carbs, new workouts... Now I'm on day 4 of the 30 day shred. I weighed myself and from last week I've gone from 120.8 to 122.6!! How have I gained?!? I want to lose these last ten pounds not GAIN! What should I do? :'(

    How tall are you? at 120 you might be about at your suggested weight loss. Which means things like working out and 30 day shred you are going to gain muscle. At your weight you should be taking measurements and less about how much you weigh.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i am in the same boat with 10lbs to lose. started lifting more and gained about 4lbs! i just keep going hoping it will start to come off again. i am 5'7 130lbs goal is 120lbs
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Eating your exercise calories? Are you close to your goal? (The closer I was to my goal, the slower it came off.) I hope you get it figured out. :flowerforyou:
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    i am in the same boat with 10lbs to lose. started lifting more and gained about 4lbs! i just keep going hoping it will start to come off again. i am 5'7 130lbs goal is 120lbs

    The number doesn't mean everything.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm 5'3 with 28% body fat. (very small frame)
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    Plateaus are the WORST...but hang in there. Consistency in eating healthfully and working out will let you power through it eventually. If it's been a while since you revisited your goals, you might want to do that. It could be that you've lost enough to warrant a decrease in your calorie budget; just don't go too low. It's tough to get the nutrients you need if you do.

    Stay the course!!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm what you would call skinny-fat. :P
    I'm 5'3 with 28% body fat. (very small frame)
  • UABUncleSam
    Well you did do one thing that stuck out there. The zig zag dieting. However 150 cals can't really constitute as a zig zag. At any point of the day you could accidentally eat 150 cals....people graze. I would suggest 1500 calories one day then no more than 1800 the next. 1750 may be a little more specific, but you want to get as close to that number as possible. As far new workouts, you might want to shock your body. Throw a 6 min crossfit workout in there on that 1800 calorie day...then later on do your normal workout. Your body will need to recoupe from the morning crossfit workout. Lastly, how much water are you drinking? If you are getting 8 cups a day then you might want to bump it up some. Water helps digest faster and releases some toxins that might be holding your body up from losing those last few lbs.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Given your height and frame it might be that you need to reduce your calorie goal a little because if you are small 1200 might at this point with so little to lose be too much. Try maintaining the exercise but taking calories down to 1100 and see how you get on. Good luck!
  • season1980
    season1980 Posts: 129 Member
    When doing an intense fitness routine the body can hold onto fluid to repair damaged muscle etc. So a 2 pound increase in a few days is really not that big of a deal. Do you do weight training on a regular basis....if not...then do! It will change your body in amazing ways and get rid of that "Skinny Fat"! You may see the scale wt go up, but the body fat % will drop.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I eat 1200 cals a day, eating 1700 seems impossible!!! Also, I tried shocking my body... Freaking DOMS mode I'm recovering from. I drink about 80 oz. Of water a day. Should I really up them that much? (super scared of gaining)

    Well you did do one thing that stuck out there. The zig zag dieting. However 150 cals can't really constitute as a zig zag. At any point of the day you could accidentally eat 150 cals....people graze. I would suggest 1500 calories one day then no more than 1800 the next. 1750 may be a little more specific, but you want to get as close to that number as possible. As far new workouts, you might want to shock your body. Throw a 6 min crossfit workout in there on that 1800 calorie day...then later on do your normal workout. Your body will need to recoupe from the morning crossfit workout. Lastly, how much water are you drinking? If you are getting 8 cups a day then you might want to bump it up some. Water helps digest faster and releases some toxins that might be holding your body up from losing those last few lbs.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I got $5 that says you're not eating enough if you're working out as well. eat more.
    I eat 1200 cals a day, eating 1700 seems impossible!!! Also, I tried shocking my body... Freaking DOMS mode I'm recovering from. I drink about 80 oz. Of water a day. Should I really up them that much? (super scared of gaining)

    Well you did do one thing that stuck out there. The zig zag dieting. However 150 cals can't really constitute as a zig zag. At any point of the day you could accidentally eat 150 cals....people graze. I would suggest 1500 calories one day then no more than 1800 the next. 1750 may be a little more specific, but you want to get as close to that number as possible. As far new workouts, you might want to shock your body. Throw a 6 min crossfit workout in there on that 1800 calorie day...then later on do your normal workout. Your body will need to recoupe from the morning crossfit workout. Lastly, how much water are you drinking? If you are getting 8 cups a day then you might want to bump it up some. Water helps digest faster and releases some toxins that might be holding your body up from losing those last few lbs.
  • vsmith1981
    vsmith1981 Posts: 44 Member
    sounds like you'd benefit from some core workouts - crunches, planks, pilates, anything that builds muscle (which will cause you to gain weight but tone your middle -) muscle weighs more than fat - so better to measure yourself than weigh yourself if you are increasing your exercise.

    if you are just dieting and no exercise, then go ahead with the daily weigh ins, but measurements are far better.

    OR if you can afford it a scale that has the hand grips that tells you what your body fat is and your mucle % is.

    good luck
  • UABUncleSam
    Good to see that someone else agrees! If you cut calories even more from 1200 (which you shouldn't) then your body will start going into starvation mode. It will assume that you cannot eat that often and start storing anything you eat as a protective measure. Those lbs will come right back. I know its hard to believe eating MORE will be more beneficial; however, your body is a machine and if not taken care of properly can break down with eating too much and too little. Try it and don't worry if you see a couple lbs on the scale. Your body is going to have to get the idea that it won't starve and the weight will start dropping again.
    I got $5 that says you're not eating enough if you're working out as well. eat more.
    I eat 1200 cals a day, eating 1700 seems impossible!!! Also, I tried shocking my body... Freaking DOMS mode I'm recovering from. I drink about 80 oz. Of water a day. Should I really up them that much? (super scared of gaining)

    Well you did do one thing that stuck out there. The zig zag dieting. However 150 cals can't really constitute as a zig zag. At any point of the day you could accidentally eat 150 cals....people graze. I would suggest 1500 calories one day then no more than 1800 the next. 1750 may be a little more specific, but you want to get as close to that number as possible. As far new workouts, you might want to shock your body. Throw a 6 min crossfit workout in there on that 1800 calorie day...then later on do your normal workout. Your body will need to recoupe from the morning crossfit workout. Lastly, how much water are you drinking? If you are getting 8 cups a day then you might want to bump it up some. Water helps digest faster and releases some toxins that might be holding your body up from losing those last few lbs.
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I got $5 that says you're not eating enough if you're working out as well. eat more.

    only $5?

    anyway, eating more is a scary thought, was just talking about this to my husband last night. Good Luck but I bet if you do eat more, and eat more healthy, you will be happier over all :) 1200 calories is such a small amount. Hope you figure it out!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    How much should I up them? I tried upping them to 1400 for two weeks and now ive gained 2 lbs?
  • UABUncleSam
    Already gave ya what I thought you should up. No more than 1750 I'd say. If it seems hard to reach that then just add a few fat calories in there somewhere to reach that daily goal. Then bump back down the next day. Like I said you'll show a few lbs back on the scale because right now with having only bumped it up to 1400 cals from 1200...your body thought it was starving. So it wants to store it. Get passed the idea of gaining a few lbs back and let your body eat. You have a brain and your body has a brain. Your bodies brain is telling it that it might not get food when required and to store it. As long as you give it what it needs every 2 1/2 to 3 hrs it will tune into it and start working for you again.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Guess I'll be eating a lot of avocados... :(

    Thanks for the advice!
    Already gave ya what I thought you should up. No more than 1750 I'd say. If it seems hard to reach that then just add a few fat calories in there somewhere to reach that daily goal. Then bump back down the next day. Like I said you'll show a few lbs back on the scale because right now with having only bumped it up to 1400 cals from 1200...your body thought it was starving. So it wants to store it. Get passed the idea of gaining a few lbs back and let your body eat. You have a brain and your body has a brain. Your bodies brain is telling it that it might not get food when required and to store it. As long as you give it what it needs every 2 1/2 to 3 hrs it will tune into it and start working for you again.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    It is very common when starting 30DS (or any new exercise routine) to retain extra water in the first few days...your body retains in order to help your muscles recover. Keep at 30DS, make sure to eat your calories, and you will definitely see a difference in 30 days! Stay at it and don't worry too much about the scale at this point. You will tighten up and get more lean whether you lose any weight at all.
  • UABUncleSam
    Avocado's huh? Well just remember that a Avocado weighing 130g has about 240 Calories. But good choice though as they are high in Vitamins E, C, B6 and potassium. Good luck to you and don't let the scale get you down. Well your attitude that want the weight numbers down. ha ha ha