

  • I use carrots...makes it look purdy and you can't taste it.
  • Hey college student here!
  • I make a regular poke cake...similar but with regular white cake. I think I'll try it with the angel food cake next time though...sounds delish!!!
  • Thanks for the post Fuzzy! It fiancee told me that I didn't have to eat back the exercise calories...and that I would probably lose faster that way. I don't know I'm still confused! Oh and I forgot to say that I work at taco that helps! I'm pretty good and not gorging or eating anything. Maybe a chip…
  • This statement is very true! It's a load of fun and you get to shake what your momma gave ya haha. Don't go in there thinking on man I look stupid because everyone else in there is either enjoying the music and doens't give a care in the world who sees her having fun or is feeling insecure and looking around,. Just go in…
  • OK so I'm a Zumba NUT! And that's putting in lightly lol. I have the DVD's but I hardly use them ( I know right). They are good, a lot of basics, you can get more advanced ones as well. I prefer classes or learning them off youtube! My instructor is awesome and she lets me teach roughly 3 songs a semester and we are…
  • My fiancee loves how I'm a lil hefty! I didn't have a lot of confidence 2 years ago when we first started dating but just recently in the last 3.5 weeks, I've been working out and my confidence level has sky rocketed! He made a compliment to me last night about my confidence and my weight loss. So confidence plays a HUGE…
  • ZUMBA is AMAAAAZING! It's an excellent cardio workout plus it works on target zones too! I have DVD's and I go on youtube, I take a class, and now working on making up my own. :)
  • OMG I'm so glad there is someone else on here that likes zumba!!!! I've done it for about 4-5 years now and I love it. I would become an instructor if I could afford it.
  • I was just getting ready to post about this topic, lol! I hope there is some advice out there because I'm curious as to how to target somehow that area. Also I have issues with the fat for us ladies...right under the bra line in my back. Any tips on how to get rid of those?
  • I would have to say that I don't eat any different. I feel fine the day before and then I wake up the day I start and I feel like a friggin balloon or something inflated me. I don't wanna go out or anything. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't fit into my jeans because I retained so much water, but on the good side for me…
  • I love all the comments...good and bad, the different perspectives make me really stop and think. I don't think that I'm going to get any supplements and they are very expensive. I don't have that kind of money. But hey I just joined last week. If you wanna by my friend, I'll support you and you can help support me, give…
  • Hey anyone on the OxyLITE pro let me know how it goes. No I don't think it's the healthiest way to go but I need a metabolism boost. I inherited a crappy matabolism...I do I give it a kick start without taking supplements?
  • Kansas :tongue:
  • Hey I'm a newbie too! I started on here last week. It's really kewl because it helps you with you calorie intake, I didn't even know I was eating that much but I've changed now. I want to lose roughly 30-40lbs too because 1) I want to look and feel better and 2) I'm getting married in 7 months.
    in Newbie Comment by Je21mp3 February 2011