For Ladies....Is is true or just an excuse??



  • That gastroenterologist might not realize that intestinal cramps and uterine cramps don't feel at all the same. They aren't the same thing. One has to do with what you ate and the other has to do with muscle spasms in something that REALLY isn't your intestines. Seriously. You can probably guess what I'm thinking about that GE heh.

    I get constipated during TOM too. It's annoying but suggests water retention as well.

    He said not all the cramps were intestinal... ie that some were due to the menstruation process. He's one of the best gastro guys in UK...that's good enough for me! haha x
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I asked my trainer this last month. He said you can "gain" up to 10lbs during TOM, but it will go away as soon as it's gone. So I just remember that when i've got it!
  • Yes it's true.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Definitely true. If you drink extra water you might be able to avoid some of that water retention, but it's true that it happens. This might be a little oversharing, but I've noticed that after the first couple of days of my period, I will spend a day peeing like every 15 minutes. It's because I'm shedding that excess water.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    It is most definitely true! My weight fluctuates by a whole 7lbs around the time of my period, I;m not eating differently or exercising differently during this time!
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    It's true for me, Last month for 2 weeks i had "put on" an extra 5 lbs, but i wasnt eating bad things, then all of a sudden poof its gone with another 3lbs gone aswell Like everyone says i think it depends on how your body works, mine obviously like me being a bloater lol
  • i do think that we retain water weight during that time and generally feel more bloated. at least I do. However i do think that some people over exaggerate the need to want chocolate. I think I too make excuses during that time so I can have chocolate.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    interestingly...i was discussing this was a gastroenterologist recently who explained that it isn't water retention but that food digests slower and fills up the intestines. nice! Anyway, that's the reason for the majority of 'period cramps' (although not all) and why bellies bloat and weight is gained.

    My guess it's both. I do retain water because I feel the bloat all over - not just my belly. I tracked for the first time and I was up 4 pounds on the first day. By the end of the week those 4 pounds were gone.

    One note: eating healthier foods and cutting out sugar and all that crap has taken away all of my PMS symptoms. My boobs no longer swell and get sore the week before. I don't get irritated as much and my cramps during have really lessened. And it's running a day shorter than it used to.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    Yes, it's true. I used to think it was actual weight gain, I would panic and think I needed to get more strict with my diet, until I noticed it was cyclical.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Yes, it is true. I always retain water and sometimes I stay the same weight and sometimes I can gain upto 10lbs! It's terrible! But a few days later then I'm down the 10 and sometimes another pound or two because I stayed on my program. So don't lose heart if things are not going down for a few days! You'll see it when it flushes out of your system! Good luck!!
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    it is true that some people can still lose, for me i didnt lose i didnt gain but for the majority of women they do gain slighty thruout that week
  • this last time that i had aunt flo... i stayed the same... as soon as she left town i was down 2lbs... so i think we do retain water... but everyones body is different also.. .and i am also excercising and eating better too
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    I am at the end of Aunt Flow's visit (one more day) and I noticed a 3 lb weight gain this week. I didn't even weigh in today cuz I've been weighing myself everyday to see when and if the WW gain has gone away at all. NOPE! I have eaten the same and still gained so I am convinced it's Aunt Flow's Fault and not mine!!
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I've been ask if I a pregnant before while having my period because my stomach is SOOO BLOATED. If I remember, I actually take water pills a few days before I get it.

    There are countless articles that talk about how the rise and fall of hormone levels will trigger water and weight gain in a woman's body. A google search will give you the additional validation you're looking for. IT'S REAL! ;)
  • I would have to say that I don't eat any different. I feel fine the day before and then I wake up the day I start and I feel like a friggin balloon or something inflated me. I don't wanna go out or anything. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't fit into my jeans because I retained so much water, but on the good side for me it only lasts about 3 days. So I say true.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    True for me- I can gain 6 pounds overnight right before I start (and generally speaking the week before I'm SUPER strict about sodium intake to limit that effect). I will almost always post a loss after the fact but before hand I could float away on all the water I retain. :noway:
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I think it depends on the person. I just ended and lost all through the period...but sometimes, especially during a plateau, I will gain a little. Its hard to be a woman so I forgive myself lol
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i have found that if i workout during TOM then i don't gain an ounce, but if i don't workout then i will gain up to 4lbs...and i NEVER over eat, even during that time so i do think it is true
  • I just got over mine and the scale hasn't moved this week for me either. I've been kicking my own *kitten* at the gym, drinking tons of water and I have never gone over my calories. I guess I should be happy the scale didn't go up, but I get discouraged when it doesn't go down.
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