I've cut out nearly all processed junk food, over the past 2 weeks I've treated myself to 2 cookies and a piece of cake. I just eat healthier foods now such as whole-wheat pitta breads/wraps instead of white bread, brown rice instead of rice, removing all but 1 egg yolk from my omelettes. I also try to season my food with…
I don't think I need a doctor because I can walk without any pain at all, it's just literally anything from a jog or more I get the pain in that one area. The only gel I have is an ibuprofen gel which I've applied to the area, if I take a rest day today should I continue with the workout from where I left off? Or start…
Okay thanks for the advice I'll give it a try today and see how it goes. Is semi-skimmed 1.7% fat low enough or do I need lower?
Well I didn't expect this many replies over such a short space of time! I'll look into each recommendation and see what fits my needs the best. thebigcb: Will this really work well with insanity while trying to lose weight? I actually love chocolate milk and I have a tub of nesquik sitting in the cupboard hiding away since…
At first I was worried but after speaking to someone helpful on myfitnesspal, I ignore it. If I eat 2 8-9 inch carrots and have 200ml of semi skimmed milk I'm apparently at my limit.
Thank you for the advice guys and girls, I'll look into getting a heart rate monitor over the next few days. I'm excited about starting insanity whilst a little nervous at the same time from the horror stories I've heard, but if I want to get back in my skinny jeans it must be done =]. Edit: Are there any heart rate…