Just work for me!

I swear I just want to lose 15 pounds to get back to my regular weight, and I still haven't been able to manage that, and that isn't even my "ideal weight". Sor frustrated and irritated I don't want to give up, but I'm so confused with my calories, and how to account for them, like it says between 1200-1300 calories, ummm from what I've read a LOT of people say DONT do 1200 cals, so after I exercise and everything I make sure I'm not still hungry at the end of the day and try to "NET" around 1300-1400...just frustrating, I feel like I can;t find anything to work right...my work is sedentary now, but generally I try to have somewhat of an active lifestyle, but I'm not going to starve myself...sorry for the rant...

What has worked for you? Please share any success stories, or pictures, with what you have done. I know 15 pounds doesn't seem like a lot, but it feels like a mountain to me and that mountain is my growing belly!!!


  • RyanUNDEAD
    RyanUNDEAD Posts: 18 Member
    I've cut out nearly all processed junk food, over the past 2 weeks I've treated myself to 2 cookies and a piece of cake. I just eat healthier foods now such as whole-wheat pitta breads/wraps instead of white bread, brown rice instead of rice, removing all but 1 egg yolk from my omelettes. I also try to season my food with herbs and spices to avoid too many extra calories in my food.

    I've had to take a break from my Insanity program after 2 weeks due to a calf injury so I'm not doing much exercise until my leg is back in working order.

    My plan is working though, over the past 17 days I've managed to lose 11-12 pounds.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    That's awesome!!! I can't stay away from herbs and spices since my husband cooks A LOT of Indian food, since that is what he is used to eating, I did realize today that I ate A LOT bread!!! No more!!! I stopped eating white for wheat or I will eat roti's (like an Indian tortilla). I just don't want to feel like I'm starving myself. This is like the hardest thing I've ever had to do and it sucks I even got to this point!!! I used to ALWAYS be active and fit, never had a flat stomach, but even as a smoker I could out run, out swim, and out do it seemed like everyone!!! I was always competitive, but now not so much... :(