Hurt my calf - Insanity

I'm on my 2nd week of Insanity and I've really surprised myself how well I've stuck with it, I've been enjoying my workouts and I can already see some progress. Yesterday I did something to my right calf muscle and I had to cut the exercise short, today it still hurts when I jog lightly on the spot.

The pain isn't intense with light exercise but I haven't pushed it hard enough to see if it gets worse, and when I'm not moving it I have no pain. The area where it hurts is on the left middle to left upper side of the muscle.

I really don't want to miss out on a day's workout but at the same time I don't want to cause an injury that could put me out of action for a week or two.

As I'm very new to working out I'm not sure what to do, what would you people suggest?


  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    Rest it. Better safe than sorry.
  • I'd rest it as suggested.

    if you really dont want to go weeks without exercise, then do upper body cardio and weights.

    Dont want to injure yourself more and not be able to workout for months!
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    You probably over-extended and strained a muscle in your calves. If you continue it will just make the recovery take longer, and you won't be able to put 100% into the workout when you feel that you have to be careful (believe me). It literally will be over in 2 days, unless of course you caused more serious damage but from what you're saying it doesn't sound like it.

    I strained a muscle when doing Jillian Michaels 30day shred because I didn't warm up enough- and thus I rested for a couple of days and it was fine again. I played football all my life so I am used to the occasional strain from wrong warm-up and not enough dynamic stretching before the workout.
    If in doubt, go to the doctor. But yeah, probs a strain. Tried cooling it? Voltagen gel?
  • RyanUNDEAD
    RyanUNDEAD Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think I need a doctor because I can walk without any pain at all, it's just literally anything from a jog or more I get the pain in that one area. The only gel I have is an ibuprofen gel which I've applied to the area, if I take a rest day today should I continue with the workout from where I left off? Or start from the beginning?

    Also is there any kind of light workout I could do for my upper body while resting my calf?
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    Agree with everyone here. Rest it, better safe than sorry.

    Warmth increases the blood flow in the muscle and helps it heal. I have never had the advice to cool a muscle from my physio or sports doctor. But if in doubt, ask your own physio or doctor.

    Avoid all exercises that make you feel it. If that means only upper body, then go with that.

    All the best.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    I don't think I need a doctor because I can walk without any pain at all, it's just literally anything from a jog or more I get the pain in that one area. The only gel I have is an ibuprofen gel which I've applied to the area, if I take a rest day today should I continue with the workout from where I left off? Or start from the beginning?

    Also is there any kind of light workout I could do for my upper body while resting my calf?

    Continue where you left off. Take it easy going back in until you are confident that your calf is healed.
    If you have weights this would be a great time to use those.