

  • I am going to try 6 days on, 1 day off vegetarian for the next 30 days and see how it goes :)
  • I am in Victoria BC as well, feel free to add me :)
  • I eat a lot of meat, especially since I have been lifting weights more and more, but that is my choice. I eat organic fed or free-range when money permits. Your body needs protein, and you must PROPERLY replace it (and the iron) from other foods if you are going to cut it out, or you will become anemic etc.
    in Meat Comment by Kaiwyn June 2011
  • I find the same thing with veggies! If I cut up the whole bag of carrots right away and have it in tupperware in the fridge, they get eaten- not just by me, but by my fiance and daughter too! If I leave them in the bag, they go all wobbly and gross before they get eaten. Celery, cucumber, bell peppers, they all get cut up…
  • I am in the same boat- what I did was had a "clothing exchange" with friends and got rid of a ton of my old clothes- except I was the smallest one there so got no new clothes for me!!! I go to second hand shops for the "in between" sizes, since I don't want to stock up on clothes until I am at my goal weight. Good luck and…
  • might help to use this http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
  • your body is probably saying it needs a break from running! I only run 3 times a week, and have never had that problem....... but I know a lot of people that "hit a brick wall" and just cannot run anymore, but it's usually because they have been doing it everyday and their body wants a break. Just a thought :)
  • @Cannucklove- I go to the esq. rec. for my workouts, and I love it! Thanks for the wecomes to everyone else :) I only started running 6 weeks ago with a friend- i started the couch to 5k. When I started a could hardly run 30 secs without feeling like I'd die, and then today I ran for 25 min!!!
  • I prefer to work out on an empty stomach, before breakfast first thing in the morning. I find I get a better work out and have more energy FOR my work out......I have read that it is best to do this as your body will burn more calories. Maybe I am just weird but that's how I always have done it! When I do work out in the…
  • My work is doing a similar thing, but we don't have all the resources you guys have at the hospital, LUCKY!!!! Great job and keep at it! I am in first place at my work right now @ 9%, and unfortunately most people are just not motivated enough to keep at it or join in the first place- where did all the money come from that…
    in Duh. Winning! Comment by Kaiwyn May 2011