Swiftdogs Member


  • I show in conformation. You're right; there's no way to accurate measure calories burned on a busy dog day. I've found that I drop weight on show weekends no matter what I eat. So I just log my food with rough guesses and move on. Protein bars are my friend. Good luck with the trials! The work behind the scenes is a lot…
  • Well, you left all that out. All you said was the dog is cute and the opportunity to "call dibs" had come up today - HUGE red flags to those of us who have heard it before. Keep working with this group. Let them spend some time with this girl. If she's been left neglected in a yard, she may be a howler, a bad fit in an…
  • It is possible to provide a good home for a dog, even in an apartment with a full-time job. But it takes a steady commitment of time, energy and money. OP, please do not "call dibs" on the first dog available. Instead, work with a good rescue group to find the right match for your circumstances. Be prepared for detail…
  • Try falling off while walking :embarassed:
  • Add me to the crowd! I still can't believe those tiny clothes on the hangers are the same ones when I put them on. The sizes are numbers I never even thought possible. I've been in maintenance since April and still fight the urge to be under my calorie goal every day.
  • Just finished the same! :laugh: OP, two weeks is not a plateau. That's just normal variation, probably due to water or waste retention.
  • I continue to log because my macros are as important as the total calories. I also like being able to work in a "splurge" with no guilt whatsoever because I know it fits. I have tried to relax my logging a little bit, such as omitting small nibbles. But it's HARD after being precise for so long. :glasses:
  • I agree that it's something you'll have to find out for yourself. Keep looking in the mirror, taking photos, and trying on new clothes. I moved my goal by 5 pound increments several times. I'm actually lighter than I ever thought I'd be (126 at 5'9"), but that's because I've lost a lot of muscle as I've aged. That's the…
  • It's hard to maintain weight and stay fit in prison. Plus I'd prefer not to kill people anyway. I'll stick with my coffee. The world is a safer place. :drinker:
  • When I started MFP I hadn't stepped on a scale in several years. I was 10-15 pounds lighter than I expected based on what I'd weighed in the past. I'm now 126 pounds at 5'9" (age 55). The top half is good, but my butt and thighs are not as trim as I'd like. So I'm concentrating on strength training now.
  • Let me get this straight - you have a lousy diet and no energy, so you want to make it WORSE for 10 days? And have to wait to payday to afford it? Then what, the same old lousy diet? Start eating better now and go out for a walk.
  • I agree, go cheap but definitely get some basic pieces that fit. If you need some nicer things, I've had great success picking up very good quality suits on eBay for a song.
  • SW: 163 GW (after several intermediate points): 127 CW: 127+- Time: 8 months I've been in maintenance since April and am currently working on strength.
  • As others have said, it's best to build your own. But there are a lot of prepared items in the database from sites like allrecipes.com . You can look on the recipe site and try to find one that's a close match to what you made. I've done that for one-time meals.
  • I discovered I am NOT sedentary even though I have a desk job. I was being too restrictive with my calories. I lost the weight by eating up to my adjustment. So far maintenance is going well.
  • Yep. Steady in maintenance mode now.
  • You have been a tremendous inspiration to me. Plus I love living vicariously through your diary :love: Like you, I lurked on the forums when I started. I learned to pay attention to the "mean" people who offer facts, and ignore those who offer platitudes and/or broscience. Rock on, my friend! :drinker:
  • Your HRM doesn't record properly when you're passed out. Eat more. [This thread is a winner :drinker: ]
  • As long as you hit your macros, you can use the remaining calories for anything you like. I hope your 1200 calories is net after exercise with an hour of cardio a day. If not, you're being WAY more restrictive than you need to be to lose weight and keep it off.
  • As other have said, formulas change all the time, plus there are regional differences. It helps to check the most recent confirmation date in addition to the number of confirmations.
  • I LIKE your new plan! You might find you'll do better with a little more protein on your lifting days, but that's a tweak. Just get started and adjust as needed. If you don't eat your exercise calories, at least make sure you eat your full allotment for the day. Keep your muscles fueled. I think you'll be delighted with…
  • No, you do NOT have a metabolic problem! I'd bet the farm you've never tried a truly reasonable pattern of eating and exercise - note I didn't use the "D" word. Come back when your next fad fails and maybe you'll listen to reason then.
  • You've already turned to the right place. There's no need for an extremely restrictive diet. Put your numbers into your MFP profile, log accurately and hit your numbers. Then get out and exercise! You'll not only lose the weight, but you'll keep it off and be healthier in long run.
  • ^ This! OP, "eating clean" will not help you drop a few pounds. Eating at a calorie deficit will.
  • Beans/legumes are a good source of protein, and filling. Most groceries have sections for meats and produce that are getting a little old. Good luck!
  • I can't stand a sticky/gummy texture. So my favorite is Power Crunch, which also helps with my fat macro. I also like the Market Pantry (Target store brand) bars.
  • Thank you! I think I can do the lateral raises now, if I get out the doorstops (aka 3# dumbbells). The Bulgarian split squats look like a better alternative to lunges for me, since I tend to fall over. That will go on my "work up to" list.
  • In to save for reference. Thanks!