Disbelief issues anyone??? Am I just being weird??



  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Add me to the crowd! I still can't believe those tiny clothes on the hangers are the same ones when I put them on. The sizes are numbers I never even thought possible. I've been in maintenance since April and still fight the urge to be under my calorie goal every day.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    throw the larger pants away!!!!!!! Don't continue to wear them at all. You will always worry that one day they might fit but if they are not there, you will be wearing the correct size and felling good
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    When I put them on yesterday I dressed really slow staring at myself in the mirror like they were going to suddenly not fit or something. This morning I did the same thing until my 4 year old son yelled at me "MOMMY what are you doing?!?! You said hurry up we have to go!" lol.
    This is adorable!
  • HermioneHatesHoovering
    Absolutely me too! I've removed (not lost as that implies I might "find" it again), 40kg this time, which is actually 60kg from my heaviest ever.
    I can now shop in "normal" clothes shops and still can't believe it.

    I'm wearing size 12 jeans, which I never thought I would again and still look at the size of them and think I can't possibly fit them.

    I am terrified that when I get to goal (only about 4kg to go), I will put it all back on again as that is what I have done all my life every other time i've got rid of the weight.

    This time I am donating of all my bigger clothes which I've never done before.
  • Yakelmeyer
    Yakelmeyer Posts: 49 Member
    This topic really resonates for me.

    My own shadow confuses me. It used to be a blob and now it has a waist.

    I have cheekbones now and no matter what angle, I don't have a double chin in pictures.

    Just yesterday I bought a bunch of new bras because I have dropped 1-2 cup sizes.

    Pants that were so tight are now way too loose. I'm debating if I should go on an alteration rampage instead of completely replacing my wardrobe.
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    I have the opposite problem, disbelief at how small I USED to be. My next younger sister is a size 3-5 in Juniors, when I was her age - and up until I was 20, actually - I wore a size 0 or 1 in Juniors and 0 or 2 in misses. She already looks so tiny, and I was even smaller! At the store I sometimes look at a pair of 0 pants and I just can't imagine how anyone is small enough to fit in that without their body just crumbling apart. I feel like my bones must have moved out too or something because it's just nuts. And that was only 3 years ago. So much change!
  • caherdman
    caherdman Posts: 10 Member
    I often look in the mirror and still see myself at my heaviest weight. I have a friend that lost 140 pounds and looks completely different (obviously), and he says that he still seems himself at his heaviest weight as well. I know there is a huge difference in how I look, and I can see it in pictures, but when I actually look in the mirror I still see myself as fat.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    i have pretty intense body dysmorphia (meaning I can't see my body for what it is). I had it when I was 40+ pounds heavier (didn't see myself as overweight), and I have it now that I'm smaller. The other day I bought a French-made shirt. It was on a sale rack, so it was the only one of its kind, and a size 36. That number meant nothing to me, and there was no range for comparison, but I tried it on and it looked nice, so I bought it. When I got home and was cutting off the tag, I saw that the equivalents were listed on it in small print--and that a 36 was listed as an extra small. If it had said "extra small" on the label, I would never have picked it up and tried it on.

    I'm hoping I'll learn to "see better" with time.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I experienced this just this week. I have lost over 50lb and I went in to the store to buy a pretty top that I had seen online and went to the plus section. I picked up the size I thought I 'd be and as an experiment went to the regular section and took the next size down. The smaller one looked way too small, but.....you guessed it....it fit! When I was walking around the regular section, I too wondered if people were looking and wondering what I was doing there, but no one looked twice! Weird feeling, but one I hope I will get used to.
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I still feel like I'm lying when I go to the straight sizes rather than plus! And since I like tighter fits, I even own several items in SMALL now!!! wtf!
  • dottydawn73
    Slightly different but I had a tummy tuck 2 years ago and every night I go to bed I touch my flat belly to remember how it feels and every morning I wake up and touch it again to make sure its real! I still can't accept that the loose stretched skin I carried round and hated for 21 years is gone and never coming back! :)
  • acaciamavro
    acaciamavro Posts: 17 Member
    I got this today too! I went shopping for the first time in like 3 months, and couldn't believe what fit me, and what stores I was able to shop at, without even needing to check if they carried clothes that went up to my size! :-)
    I was a size 20 when I started here, and had just started fitting into 14s when I last went shopping for a few essentials, and bought myself a pair of 12 jeans as a bit of a goal. Well, those jeans were fitting me within a week or 2 of buying them, and I've been taking them off without even unbuttoning them for the last month, so finally went shopping again today, and still started with trying everything on in a 14, saying you never know if different styles fit different, or if those jeans had just been really stretchy. I finally wound up buying a 10 that fits great! I have never even been a 12 as an adult before (maybe for a few months in 8th grade, but that hardly counts), much less a 10.
    I even found a cute skirt I liked, and tried it on in a 12, but it was a little too big. I looked for a 10, but they were out, so figured I'd buy the 8 as motivation, hoping to fit into it someday soon. I didn't even try it on until I got home, and almost fell over in my new cute skirt when it zipped up all the way and fit perfectly! :-D
    I also had to get some new bras and undies, since I'm still wearing all the same stuff from 56 lbs ago, and it's starting to get ridiculous. It took like 2 hours to finally figure out my new size, and what styles work now, and wound up going from a 40DD to a 36D! So weird, but so good.
    I still pick up 16s in my closet when I'm getting dressed for work in the morning, and laugh when they just fall down (and get a little disappointed, too, since I loved those pants a few months ago, and now I have no clothes left).
    I think this is the weekend I finally clean out my closet and get rid of all the 20s, 18s, and 16s, rather than just keeping them in a pile in the corner, and trying to keep wearing them, even though it's getting ridiculous to even try! :-)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    i cant believe it either! I am getting used to being called "naturally thin", and "slender" by my by heavier friends.

    At 5'5 120lbs, it must be true, and yet, Im like "nah Im one of you guys! A fatass at heart, honest!"

    But no one believes I was once 55 lbs heavier.
  • lisarrogers
    This is completely me! I was in a 24/26 and wearing 3x shirts, now I am a medium and wear 8/10. My coworkers tell me how "small" I am and I just can't believe them. It is exciting, but very hard to believe.

    The worst is when I am not in clothing as I see what I have done to my body and how stretched out I am as I never have been "small". I wore an 18/20 in high school.

    Hopefully this will get better!
  • Mackneeds2losew8
    When I was smaller (and will be again, but I had lost 80lbs at the time) I remember webcamming with my ex while I was folding laundry and I held up my jeans and said, "Wow! My *kitten* fits in these! I can't believe it!"

    And we all love jerks for some reason, and I hear my ex go, "Wow, me either!" through my laptop speakers.

    Good reason he's an ex, but the other part of my story is, Yes, we just can't believe we're that skinny! Enjoy it!

    Lmao @ good reason he's an ex, yea! Sure sounds like it xD
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    Yes, i especially think every time i go over on my calories that i'm suddenly going to wake up 120+ lbs heavier..
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I so get this! Sometimes I even dream that losing all the weight was just a dream and that I didn't actually do it.

    I often still head towards the larger sizes in shops or I'll head straight for the accessories section as I don't feel like anything will fit me, or I feel like an imposter....even though I'm now a 6-8 I still think the only thing that will fit me will be the gloves, sunglasses and earrings lol

    stupid mind.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    I am right there with you! I have went from a size 26 to a size 14, and it's hard to go clothes shopping! You would think it would be fun, but I really dread it because I have no idea what looks good on me. While I am really happy I am able to buy smaller, cute, in style clothes now, I hate having to literally try every single thing on right now.

    I catch glimpses in the mirror, or a reflective window and still can't believe that's me, so I would have to say that what you are feeling is completely normal.
  • rosnz
    rosnz Posts: 91 Member
    Yes I started a similar post about not just size but changing styles. I also struggled with changing my style to reflect my new slimmer shape. I've previously worn a lot of 3/4 pants / trousers and tunic style loose tops. While I've now bought a pair of smaller trousers I haven't really changed my style - I still feel I'm dressing in cover up mode! I still go to the baggy stuff because fitted garments somehow feel wrong although people tell me they look lovely on me.