Disbelief issues anyone??? Am I just being weird??

Have you ever felt like it was unreal that you have lost weight and are wearing smaller clothes? Like you’re going to wake up and find yourself heavier again? I'm having some disbelief issues and am curious how normal they are.

I've been working really hard for months now to truly change my lifestyle. For the past several years I've yo-yo'd from sizes 14's to 18's. In February I bought size 12 jeans in my favorite brand as a goal and they wouldnt go up past my mid-thighs. As of this past weekend I finally fit into those size 12's comfortably without a muffin top :) I've never worn a 12 that I can remember... EVER.

It’s been casual week at work all week but I didn’t wear the size 12s until yesterday because I kept wearing the loose 14s thinking I wasn’t really ready for the 12s even though I knew they fit perfectly last weekend and I lost about another pound since then. When I put them on yesterday I dressed really slow staring at myself in the mirror like they were going to suddenly not fit or something. This morning I did the same thing until my 4 year old son yelled at me "MOMMY what are you doing?!?! You said hurry up we have to go!" lol.

I ordered size 10's as new goal jeans and planned to get another pair of 12s too since the 1st ones are fitting now. But when I ordered I had size 10s and a pair of 14s in the cart! haha

I’m staying committed and know this is what I’ve been working for. I'm very excited and want to keep losing but I feel like I’m in the twilight zone or something because it’s finally actually working. How weird am I??


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Yes - not so much the waking up part. But I'm in size 8's now and sometimes a little part of me says its not really so. That the sizing has changed and not me. But I know the bigger sizes now fall off...
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I have lost 30lbs and feel the same way. I will go to bed a 16 and wake up an 18 or more. Its scary.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    The mind can be a scary thing.
  • caseymtemple
    caseymtemple Posts: 6 Member
    I don't think that's weird at all. I definitely get that way. Wait, I'm fitting into *what*??? How did that even happen? Absolutely.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Not so much with weight, but I have definitely felt that way with my boyfriend. Too good to be true, can't possibly be real, I'm going to wake up tomorrow and realize it was all a beautiful dream...
  • cookieinbk82
    cookieinbk82 Posts: 320 Member
    Yes, I feel the same way. I can now feel my hip bone I keep touching it as if over night I won't be able to feel it anymore. I think it takes a persons mind longer to change than the body.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have some of that, for sure. I've lost 22 lbs now and I keep thinking its just a glitch with the scale, or maybe I'd read it wrong before. And those pants that fit well now, well they probably weren't as tight as I thought they were before. I totally get it.
  • jhellwig828
    jhellwig828 Posts: 109 Member
    Absolutely! I still have issues when I am trying on clothes at stores. Never in my adult life have I been the size I am now and I still gravitate toward bigger sizes. Luckily, I usually have my mom with me and she can point out how wrong the bigger sizes look. I usually hear "You're swimming in that!" It's definitely something I still have to get used to.
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    Yes, definitely!

    The other day I went and bought a couple of new shirts because all of my old ones are baggy and starting to look really sloppy. Out of habit I started looking for plus sizes and then realized I needed large. When I picked up a large I kept waiting for someone to say "Here's a bigger size"

    Last week I pulled out a pair of size 14 jeans that I bought years ago but could never even come close to wearing. They fit and I wore them. This morning I was folding laundry and held them up and I would swear they're too small. But I know they fit, especially since I've lost 3 lbs since I wore them last week (love the wooshes!)

    I've seen other people say that they still see the fat person in the mirror and I know I do too. I'm still far from goal though so hopefully that will change.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I felt like an imposter when I first started wearing 8s. I'd been a 10/12 for years, had gone as high as a 14. Now I wear 6s and even have some 4s. The strangeness does eventually wear off, but it may take a bit. I seriously felt like, at the time, I shouldn't be wearing those pants, that they couldn't possibly fit me. Great job on reaching your first goal! :drinker:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    No, but I wasn't fat for very long either. Most of my life I've been pretty trim and fit and just let myself go for about 8 years or so...of those 8 years the last two were probably the worse in RE to me packing on the weight. I think I was more in disbelief about the fact that I gained 50ish pounds over 8 years and how I let myself do that.

    In RE to my loss, I was just surprised at how easy it was...I thought I was going to have to do some kind of agonizing diet plan or something until I found MFP...it was really easy.
  • CupcakesMom2
    CupcakesMom2 Posts: 154 Member
    I feel exactly the same way. I have no room to keep all my old sizes that are too big but I'm having alot of trouble giving them away because on some level I am not really believing that they are too big for me now.
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    It's not weird at all! I still go to clothing stores and automatically reach for size 12/14, because that's what I wore for most of my adult life. And, yeah, it still makes me a little giddy when I buy/order 10's and they fit beautifully. Good for you!
  • DellaWiedel
    DellaWiedel Posts: 125 Member
    I mostly have disbelief at the store. I've gone from a 16 to a 10. So I get the 10's off the rack to take to the fitting room and I'm thinking "There's NO way these will fit, they look so SMALL." But then they fit and I'm like "Whoa!" Haha
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    For a while once I reached my goal I was still eating at a deficit because I felt like if I overate I'd wake up 20 lbs heavier in the morning. I know that won't happen, but It's taken a while to get used to the new reality.
  • Rachinator92
    Rachinator92 Posts: 62 Member
    When I was smaller (and will be again, but I had lost 80lbs at the time) I remember webcamming with my ex while I was folding laundry and I held up my jeans and said, "Wow! My *kitten* fits in these! I can't believe it!"

    And we all love jerks for some reason, and I hear my ex go, "Wow, me either!" through my laptop speakers.

    Good reason he's an ex, but the other part of my story is, Yes, we just can't believe we're that skinny! Enjoy it!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    You are not weird nor are you alone!

    I have lost 90 lbs, went from a Women's 20 to a Misses Petite 4/6. When I go shopping I am still uneasy in the Petite/Misses departments and I am wondering if people are looking at me and wondering what is she doing here! I will pick out sizes 10/8 maybe a 6 because I am too embarrassed to pickup a 4 or 2 to try on - all in my head I am sure!

    Every now and then a sales person will tell me the sizes I have are too big, but when I look in the mirror I still see a fat girl, so input from a stranger is sometimes a great help!

    I am impatiently waiting for my head to catch up with my body :wink:
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Yeah, I haven't been this light in years. I keep doubting the scale, but it's true, I have lost weight. I look in the mirror and am confused by my thinner legs. I look over to my side and notice how much smaller my forearm is, and I'm just like, woah, this is real.

    The last time I lost weight years ago, I didn't pay attention to my body. I didn't really notice how thin I was getting, so I didn't appreciate it. I remember continually telling myself that I had to get thinner and thinner, etc.

    This time, I am choosing to really focus on how my body is changing, trying on clothes that were once so tight I couldn't walk in them or bend down that are now so loose I can easily pull them down while buttoned. I pay attention to how the legs of a pair of skinny jeans used to squeeze my calves and how I would have to fix the seam of it (as in the seem at the side wouldn't remain in place and would warp due to there not being enough stretch left) and how now, those same skinny jean legs are now so loose around my calves that they now look like straight leg jeans.

    Skirts that used to dig into my belly now sit comfortably. I don't have to wear a hoodie over them in order to hide muffin-top.

    I still have a long way to go, but yeah, so far, it's kind of crazy to really pay attention to the transformation.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    You're so not weird!! I keep wondering when that will stop. I started this journey almost exactly 2 years ago (next Thursday!!) at 213 lbs and a really tight 18. I needed to bump up to a 20. I am now 141 lbs and wear sizes 6/8, depending on the cut. I hold up my new, much smaller clothes and can't believe how impossibly small they seem! I still step on the scale oh-so-gingerly, afraid the number will pop up starting with a "2" instead of a "1". I often catch a glimpse of myself reflected in a store window and wonder who that is...then I realize it's ME!! I don't know when those feelings of distortion will go away, but rest assured you are not alone! :flowerforyou:
  • Lannister80
    I totally hear you. I still can't believe when I can put on a fitted ladies shirt (it's usually the biggest size, but STILL....I could only wear crew neck tees for years, which are so unflattering). I put on a skirt or shorts from the last couple years, and they're sliding off. Yet I go to stores and automatically think I have to get much bigger sizes. I'm really wondering about my jeans size now....I have a pair of size 20 jeans that I've been wearing since last year. They are completely able to be taken off without unbuttoning/zipping. I haven't been an 18 in 5 years, and it's a scary and exciting prospect. I'm currently a 16 in dresses which is blowing my mind (damn pear shape).

    But I always think that suddenly I'm going to look in the mirror and that the collarbone and waist are going to go away. I'm so afraid of regressing when I've made more progress than I ever have in 14 years.