

  • The Runners Runs! Its super common among people who have just started running. I used to get reallly really bad cramps and have to shoot off to the bathroom mid-way through a run. Your stomach will eventually be okay but in the meantime try not to eat for 2 hours before a run. Nowadays I have something small (like a banana…
  • great ideas guys! i'm being mindful to not be obsessive... but still think i'll do a bigger session at the gym later :) thanks!
  • Tonight i had a craving for a kebab... so i found the healthiest one i could... followed by a craving for cake and wine (omg...must be that time of the month...) anyways, so long story short, even with exercise calories, i'm 500 calories over my limit. what do you guys do? restrict calories the next day? create a 500 cal…
  • Hey guys! I busted that 5 lbs that i just couldn't move! in a week! The bad news is that i worked really really hard for it. Here's my fitness routine: mon - 30 min walk / 30 mins lower body weights tue - 30 min walk / 30 mins upper body wed - 45 mins cardio then repeat for thursday friday and saturday.. sunday is rest…
  • tattoos and piercings for me! 10lb =belly button 20lb = tattoo!
  • luckily, i grew up with a mum who refused to buy white bread so i only get the whole grain or whole meal stuff.. but its still full of calories. probably i should just kick the habit.
  • how does it happen??? I have had a healthy day - ham & salad sandwich for lunch, eggs & bakedbeans for breakfast and a banana for a snack... yet somehow its 2pm and i only have 200cals left for the rest of the day!!! Anyone have any great 200cal recipes?
  • Thats so awesome! congratulations!!!!
  • yeah.. smaller amount would have been the way to go instead of the giant tub with multiple mix ins and chocolate sauce? lol... yes, seriously!
  • Isnt that the best??? I've been killing myself at the gym for so long and not watching my diet and obviously not seeing any weight loss, just muscle toning... this is sooo much easier, takes less time, and feels just as good!
  • I have to admit, i'm a touch worried.. i tend to hold water in a big way and all my clothes get too tight ;) but it goes away again... we'll see !
  • i woke up this morning and weighed myself and i've lost 4lbs over the past 7 days. my first 7 days with MFP in fact! I'm so excited to see the rolls on my back slowly dissapear, and my hips shrink ever ever ever so slightly. All without starving, just making better choices. Please tell me it keeps on going!!! i could…
  • great ideas, thank you... I generally don't drink alot but hadnt thought of switching the wines for vodkas. mostly i just go "right, i want an icecream today" and go have one, then try to get my calories under for the day.. but still end up 200 over. even with the exercise calories. ahhh well.. can't be doing too badly, i…
  • I'm in Australia! its sunday here...
  • Hey everyone! Its the end of my first week and i've lost 3lbs and 1/2" off my waist... But then Easter hit me, and my calories went up up up... I find it easy to eat within the paramaters during the week but on the weekends i go out, drink wine and just crave icecream n chocolates... Actually i did pretty well until i had…