Paranoid about calories

zoeinthecity Posts: 22
edited September 18 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone!

Its the end of my first week and i've lost 3lbs and 1/2" off my waist... But then Easter hit me, and my calories went up up up...

I find it easy to eat within the paramaters during the week but on the weekends i go out, drink wine and just crave icecream n chocolates... Actually i did pretty well until i had the icecream ;)

How do you all counter when you end up going over (for whatever reason...) ???


  • Hey everyone!

    Its the end of my first week and i've lost 3lbs and 1/2" off my waist... But then Easter hit me, and my calories went up up up...

    I find it easy to eat within the paramaters during the week but on the weekends i go out, drink wine and just crave icecream n chocolates... Actually i did pretty well until i had the icecream ;)

    How do you all counter when you end up going over (for whatever reason...) ???
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I try not to let myself get bored which leads me to looking at the fridge which gets me in deep trouble!

    I've managed to do a lot of renovation, reconstruction, gardening and sundry other things around the house that would have otherwise not been accomplished as I sat down in front of a big sandwich or bowl of ice cream!

    Mind over matter? Sure and sometimes my mind wins :grumble:
  • maridale
    maridale Posts: 39 Member
    I occasionally go over also; and it is usually on the weekends. I've been trying to up my walking/jogging as much as time allows and just really watch it on the good days. I'll ocasionally go under my calorie consumption too but usually not as often as I go over. I just keep trying my best which up until 2 months ago I didn't even give it an effort! Don't be so hard on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Ahh yes, the dreaded weekend night out with the friends. All the bad stuff, alcohol, which is bad for a diet in many ways, bad food, and friends that are "less then supportive". All the stuff you just love to fight. :tongue:

    Well, there are a few things you can do. None of them guarantee you sucess, but they could help, I know they have kept me from falling off the wagon (mostly) a few times.

    1st. most wine has about 80 to 150 calories per glass, so if your going to have it, count it up before hand. I have switched to Gin and tonic with lime. It's about 30 calories per drink less then beer, and I like the taste, you could switch to vodka and tonic for about the same amount, add a splash of cranberry or some other juice and you'll still be about the same (tonic has 10 calories, soda has 0, so the juice would even it out.)

    2nd Eat before you go out, something with high fiber and water content, and protein, so that you remain full. And if you do find yourself hungry when you go out, eat before you have too many drinks, remember, drinking impairs judgement, which ahh, will influence what you choose as your meal.

    3rd, make sure your friends know what your doing. If you don't tell them your trying to curb your eating habits, then they won't know not to do things to sabotage it. Tell them what you are drinking before hand if they buy rounds, and if food is being ordered for a group, make sure you have at least 1 healthy thing in the mix so that you don't have to sit there and watch others stuff their face with pizza or nachos or breaded buffalo fingers...etc.

    And the biggest thing I have done is to reduce the number of days I drink. Be the designated driver sometimes, you may not want to give up the alcohol at first, but after a while nobody, yourself included, even notices, and sometimes it's fun watching others make fools out of them selves.
    Remember, alcohol has another big downfall besides calories, alcohol REPLACES carbohydrates for fuel in the body, so any carbs you normally would burn while drinking (well, many at least) would be stored as fat instead.
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Its the end of my first week and i've lost 3lbs and 1/2" off my waist... But then Easter hit me, and my calories went up up up...

    I find it easy to eat within the paramaters during the week but on the weekends i go out, drink wine and just crave icecream n chocolates... Actually i did pretty well until i had the icecream ;)

    How do you all counter when you end up going over (for whatever reason...) ???

    How did EAster hit you already?. Its not till tomorrow! It will hit me though and then I'll make a come back on Monday.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    EXCERCISE! it earns you bonus calories, right? It won't neccessarily make up for any big fat and carb splurges, it will most certainly make you feel better, and there are infinite possibilities on weekends! My fiance is a high school phys ed teacher, so on weekends especially we go over to the school and use the equipement for a game of badminton or tennis, its great! Plus it makes running laps possible... All our snow certainly prevents me from doing them outside!
  • Me_Im_2b
    Me_Im_2b Posts: 165
    For me, I've found that I'll commit to myself to weigh on Monday, and I always want to see results, so that will push me to do well on my weekends, because I'm going to be weighing in on Monday. I don't know if you're doing this get healthy thing alone, but if you could find a friend to do it with that you commit to and have to tell how you did or even what you weigh, I'm sure that would help in weighing in and staying on track all weekend. (At least it does for me):happy: Hope this helps!
  • Hey everyone!

    Its the end of my first week and i've lost 3lbs and 1/2" off my waist... But then Easter hit me, and my calories went up up up...

    I find it easy to eat within the paramaters during the week but on the weekends i go out, drink wine and just crave icecream n chocolates... Actually i did pretty well until i had the icecream ;)

    How do you all counter when you end up going over (for whatever reason...) ???

    How did EAster hit you already?. Its not till tomorrow! It will hit me though and then I'll make a come back on Monday.

    I'm in Australia! its sunday here...
  • Ahh yes, the dreaded weekend night out with the friends. All the bad stuff, alcohol, which is bad for a diet in many ways, bad food, and friends that are "less then supportive". All the stuff you just love to fight. :tongue:

    Well, there are a few things you can do. None of them guarantee you sucess, but they could help, I know they have kept me from falling off the wagon (mostly) a few times.

    1st. most wine has about 80 to 150 calories per glass, so if your going to have it, count it up before hand. I have switched to Gin and tonic with lime. It's about 30 calories per drink less then beer, and I like the taste, you could switch to vodka and tonic for about the same amount, add a splash of cranberry or some other juice and you'll still be about the same (tonic has 10 calories, soda has 0, so the juice would even it out.)

    2nd Eat before you go out, something with high fiber and water content, and protein, so that you remain full. And if you do find yourself hungry when you go out, eat before you have too many drinks, remember, drinking impairs judgement, which ahh, will influence what you choose as your meal.

    3rd, make sure your friends know what your doing. If you don't tell them your trying to curb your eating habits, then they won't know not to do things to sabotage it. Tell them what you are drinking before hand if they buy rounds, and if food is being ordered for a group, make sure you have at least 1 healthy thing in the mix so that you don't have to sit there and watch others stuff their face with pizza or nachos or breaded buffalo fingers...etc.

    And the biggest thing I have done is to reduce the number of days I drink. Be the designated driver sometimes, you may not want to give up the alcohol at first, but after a while nobody, yourself included, even notices, and sometimes it's fun watching others make fools out of them selves.
    Remember, alcohol has another big downfall besides calories, alcohol REPLACES carbohydrates for fuel in the body, so any carbs you normally would burn while drinking (well, many at least) would be stored as fat instead.

    great ideas, thank you... I generally don't drink alot but hadnt thought of switching the wines for vodkas. mostly i just go "right, i want an icecream today" and go have one, then try to get my calories under for the day.. but still end up 200 over. even with the exercise calories. ahhh well.. can't be doing too badly, i lost 4lbs in my first week! cheering!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I exericse to balance it out...

    Was at a birthday party today, and ate a touch too much, so tonight instead of dinner I'm hitting the treadmill, and then just an apple in the evening... can't let myself get away with this.... for me, this is how I fall off the wagon... treat here, glass of wine there...
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    you can buy the breyers icecream in the 100 calorie containers..... or there are the skinny cow icecream sandwitches which are like 150 calories and they are super yummy!!!!
    that way you can still have the stuff you crave but in a smaller lower calorie amount:bigsmile:
  • you can buy the breyers icecream in the 100 calorie containers..... or there are the skinny cow icecream sandwitches which are like 150 calories and they are super yummy!!!!
    that way you can still have the stuff you crave but in a smaller lower calorie amount:bigsmile:

    yeah.. smaller amount would have been the way to go instead of the giant tub with multiple mix ins and chocolate sauce? lol... yes, seriously!
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