SBRRepeat Member


  • Thank you! Yes, I think the lesson I learned was that fear is not a good reason to NOT do something. Continuously challenging myself to do things I was scared to opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Ahaha, I get that from my mother a lot ;) I would eventually like to try writing something, but what I really want…
  • Ah, the Long Trail is great. I got lucky- the legendary Vermont mud took this season off and we missed the black flies. I spent one of my favorite nights on the trail sleeping under the stars on the ski lift on Bromley Mountain. Make it a point to camp there. Great sunrises and sunsets and the warming hut is open to hikers…
  • Harper's Ferry is such a wonderful place! I stayed a night at the Jackson Rose Inn before starting and loved it there. Thank you! In fact, my sincerest thanks to all of you. The response to this post has been so uplifting. I really appreciate you all!
  • Ha! Thank you! My new boss at work recently started dieting and complaining about her weight. I know not to compare yourself to others, but we're the exact same weight, height, and body type. It's a little disconcerting.
  • Neither of those things should stop you from trying a sprint! We even have beginner tris in my area that keep you close to shore and allow you to stand up and walk through the water if you need to. There's plenty of people doggy paddling and breast stroking out there. You don't have to be competitive right out the gate. I…
  • You're never too old! I met quite a few people in their 70s and 80s out there. Lots of recent retirees, too. Aw, thanks for reading! I'm glad my story had a positive effect! Sure! I'll message you my insta name. It's a public account. If anyone else wants to see my Instagram with my trail pics, just message me!
  • Sure! The AT Conservancy has been encouraging people to "flip-flop" in order to disburse some of the overcrowding on the southern end of the trail during the season. I wanted to lessen my impact on the trail. Flip floppers are also statistically most likely to complete the trail, since we can start later, hitting better…
  • If you want to keep reading, here's an excerpt from my journal (which I wrote on my phone) from my first few days hiking in Vermont. It's a long one, but it covers some of my favorite shenanigans: I stopped at the first shelter in Vermont, Seth Warner Shelter, to find it positively overflowing with NOBOs, Flip floppers,…
  • Ha, alright, maybe the self esteem needs a little work! Thank you! Absolutely! Almost every race has a lot of first timers. Take your time, have fun, and don't over think it! And practice transitions- the 4th sport in a triathlon. Feel free to ask me any questions you have. My next adventure is graduate school, actually. I…
  • Yay! Hi fellow triathlete! Aw, thanks!
  • Thank you! I LOVED Maine. Mt. Katahdin is like no other place in the world. So magical
  • I'm also shooting for about 160. I got down to 165 on the trail (burning 5-6000 calories a day will do that), but I put a little back on when I came home because going from 5000 calories to 2000 a day is hard! LOL
  • :D My upper body is my weakness. I'm all calves! It's funny, I was never ever good at sports growing up. Always picked last in gym class, terrible coordination, couldn't throw a ball to save my life. The great thing about tris is that you need to just be average at three sports instead of great at one to be faster than…
  • Agree with Ninerbuff. My lower back pain was actually because my core was weak and hamstrings/glutes were tight so my back and quads overcompensated. Lots of yoga helps. Planks, balance exercises, etc.
  • What are your goals? What's your full workout routine- reps, split, etc. The smith machine squats seem unnecessary if you're also barbell squatting, plus the machine limits your range of motion and is generally not recommended for squats.
  • You can totally do OHP, rows, and bench with dumbbells. For the squat and DL, you can start with the empty bar. If you can't do 5x5 with the empty bar, work your way up to it. I think the most important thing, since you're at home alone, is a lot of form checks. Record yourself doing each lift regularly and get feedback…
  • Aw, thanks! Favorite post to date is a high honor! Thank you! Where do you want me to start? Lol Found some more pictures- At the end of my first Olympic tri One of my best friends in Southern Maine: Maine's version of a beach. Check out the tan lines
  • Thanks! It's been a crazy couple of years!
  • Like a few folks mentioned earlier, I run a structured lifting program 2-3 days a week in the off season to complement my sportsing (technical term), but when I'm full on triathlon training and racing, I just can't prioritize lifting. My plan gives me one day off a week, and I'm already doing 2 a days or brick workouts…
  • Lol, I'm glad you think so. I've been trying to figure out the possible advantages since I joined the gym last year and I always end up deciding it can't possibly be worth the extra effort. Plus, if no one can tell whether I'm squatting 5 lbs or 150lbs, how is anybody going to be impressed by my mad skillz? :wink:
  • Mycophilia- there's a big screen that gives you the weight you're lifting and a little pump to change air pressure, so it may actually be quicker than adding/removing plates.
  • Sounds like you googled the right thing. I think the idea is to always use pressurized air (that's what the cables pulling the bar down are for) instead of actual weight to improve... Something... Form? Power, maybe? I've been lifting for 18ish months, but really just to supplement race training. Was just curious if…
  • Yeah, the bar weighs about 5 pounds and is attached to pullies and the resistance is regulated by air pressure. You have full range of motion, unlike a smith machine, but I don't really understand the advantage over actual weight.
  • in Coffee Comment by SBRRepeat July 2015
  • ... Sort of. The more fit you are, the more efficient your body operates, so it takes less effort to complete a task... But, you're also capable of maintaining higher levels of intensity for longer periods of time, thereby burning more calories than a less fit version of yourself at the same weight. If you work out at the…
  • This is utterly ridiculous. I think I'll stick with coffee and my real workout instead of giving myself brain freeze to try to burn 37 calories...
    in Coffee Comment by SBRRepeat July 2015
  • By all means! She's both a bad*** and drop dead gorgeous. Color me jealous.
  • I'm sure he does, most pro athletes do spend a lot of time in the weight room. But that's also the standard body type for track cyclists, versus roadies who have to be much more strict about their power to weight ratio to get over mountains and what not. The velodrome is more forgiving towards weight as long as it comes…