Lullaby_Melodia Member


  • I put mine down as sedentary but then I put all the walking I do (shopping taking little one to playgroups etc...) into the exercise calculator. I don't drive so walk a lot and pushing the buggy burns more calories than just walking alone. Seems to work out well for me.
  • Quite often they don't get enough cells to get a good result and the test has to be redone, this has happend to me a few times in the past... It is possible that is all they want... try not to worry untill you talk to them.
  • I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be dieting if you are ill... just eat what ever you feel you can. Once you are well again then continue with counting the calories.
  • Hi you might find this article helpfull I decided to wait untill my son was 1 year and I had stopped breastfeeding before trying to lose weight. I lost quite a bit anyway very gradually without really trying and now he's 1 I am a lot…
  • Roasted chickpeas? That sounds interesting we don't do that over here (England). What's the recipie?
  • A few days before and during the time you are menstruating, you do burn more calories due to the additional cellular activity taking place internally. Some female metabolisms may increase up to 15% during this time due to hormonal changes and loss of blood. The increase in metabolism can lead to an increase in appetite in…
  • I heard that it is not 0 calorie but that it uses more calories to digest than it gives....
  • I don't know if you know but women should eat an extra 300 calories a day during that time, so why not treat yourself to the chocolate bar as a reward for doing so great... :)
  • Check out Fitness TV (it's one of the free view channels) they have Chairobics on every day.
  • Check out the BBC Good Food website they have lots of recipies from 200-400 calories...