Is being a full-time Mum a "sedentary lifestyle"???

I want to fine tune my settings, and got to the lifestyle question, which I had set at "sedentary", but I had a closer look at the definition of that and realised, that I NEVER sit down all day.
I'm doing nursery runs, school runs, grocery shopping, everyone else's errands, volunteering to look after other families, going to the gym, swimming - you know how it goes, right?
But then I checked out the other setting and they didn't seem to fit either.....
So I was wondering what other full-time Mums put themselves as???


  • 74kello
    74kello Posts: 1 Member
    I too am a full time mum and was wondering the same. I think the one up from sedentary as you are on your feet most of the day and you are probably even more active if going to gym also. I would def not go for sedentary! x
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    just to be on safe side say lighlty active and try that for a few weeks see if it works :)
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm a full-time mom too and I put lightly active on mine. So far it's working well and I'm averaging a weight loss of 1.5 lbs a week.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    I put lightly active. I play with the guys a ton, spend ~ 2 hours each day just cooking, nevermind the cleaning. In summer I may even bump it up with everyone off of school.
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    I just thought about this and changed mine to lightly active. You are right, we are never sitting down most of our day.
  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    I just thought about this and changed mine to lightly active. You are right, we are never sitting down most of our day.
  • Lullaby_Melodia
    Lullaby_Melodia Posts: 11 Member
    I put mine down as sedentary but then I put all the walking I do (shopping taking little one to playgroups etc...) into the exercise calculator. I don't drive so walk a lot and pushing the buggy burns more calories than just walking alone. Seems to work out well for me.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I recently upped to lightly active because my weight loss was slowing way down and within 2 days I saw movement on the scale again. I think it's much more in line with what I do during the day.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I put mine down as sedentary but then I put all the walking I do (shopping taking little one to playgroups etc...) into the exercise calculator. I don't drive so walk a lot and pushing the buggy burns more calories than just walking alone. Seems to work out well for me.

    you're best off changing to active, and only logging "workouts" as exercise, not casual walks to the store and stuff. Those are part of your every day lifestyle and things you would do even if you weren't trying to lose weight, and things you will do even after you reach your goal, so they're lifestyle, not exercise.
    Plus MFPs estimates for calories burned aren't always accurate, so unless you are wearing an HRM with chest strap on these walks and seeing you HR go into the zone and stay there throughout the whole walk, then you are most likely adding in too many calories.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    just to be on safe side say lighlty active and try that for a few weeks see if it works :)

    sounds like a good plan...if it doesnt give results than switch it back
  • lemonychick
    lemonychick Posts: 81 Member
    I've switched it to Lightly Active now, it's only a small increase in daily calorie allowance, so it sould work for me. Thanks for the opinions guys! x