modernshieldmaiden Member


  • Oooh, more metalheads! Black, folk, and doom are my go-tos, but I've been getting into thrash and traditional stuff a lot more lately.
  • Never doing the dishes until the point that the thought of doing them isn't just inconvenient, but it's terrifying and I'd might as well throw everything away. I'll replace it by... doing the dishes as soon as I'm done with them. Hah.
  • Mine says 160. At the time I was totally lying and was at 180, then got down to 140 and I looked a lot different. Now I'm legitimately at 160. So... I suppose for the time being it has worked out, haha.
  • Dude, it's your birthday, if there's a good time to have fun and do what you want that's it. And don't guilt yourself! I've gone way over on calories all weekend and it's not even my birthday, it's my boyfriend's, haha.
  • My boyfriend and I are both aware of each other's turn-ons that the other doesn't possess and it has caused 0 problems. I very VERY rarely give out compliments because that's just not what I do, and it's never caused a problem. I think you need to take a step back and breathe. Next time he says something like that, respond…
  • I was there in high school, too. Starved myself, ran off 2000+ calories every day, binged/purged, cried all night over how I looked. The only thing that stopped the binging/purging for me was going vegan, so I'm glad SOMETHING stopped that vicious cycle for me. --All I'm trying to say is, I know how it feels. I've…
  • What a **** and a half - want me to crush his balls under my steel-toed boots for ya? In seriousness, we all have something that slaps us in the face that makes us change ourselves, and if that's what it was for you, definitely no judging going on here. There is a certain happiness that comes only from sticking it to…
  • Going to add you! (And anyone else can as well, haha.) I'm a 23-year-old vegan who needs to watch what she's eating 24/7 because of depression/anxiety meds, so I am trying to get back on track. Definitely motivated to not have to go through losing the same 40 pounds again after this, har har.
  • Honestly, I'd just eat anything with nutritional yeast or kale all day. Mac'n "cheeze," Tings, potato-kale soup, kale chips slathered in nutritional yeast... om nom nom.
  • In Minnesota, unless it's well below zero, I always see runners still going at it on the salted sidewalks. Most people I know move to indoor tracks here, but if you are determined to run outside in the winter, it can definitely be done!
  • Realizing that not only did medication make me gain back every pound of weight I'd lost last year while busting my butt, but that NONE of my jeans/shorts/etc fit me anymore. I was okay until I could tell how much bigger I'd gotten - and haATte having to buy new clothes.
  • The last time I went through it, about half-way through/at the end of level 2 was when I started actually noticing a difference. Level 2 is killer. Just stick with it! Even if you don't see as many inches come off as you'd hoped while doing it, it's definitely a great means to kickstart those inches coming off from regular…
  • I originally gained so much weight just because I wasn't particularly active post-high school & ate whatever I felt like... after losing a huge chunk of that, I gained it all back this summer because of my depression/anxiety medication. Talk about frustrating!
  • When I was still drinking tons of coffee, I had to force myself to cut back on money more than calories, so I got into the habit of just drinking my coffee black. If you get a good type of coffee, the flavor is leagues better and much more complex without putting junk in it. As some others have suggested, flavored coffees…
  • I have mine open to friends only. I really have no desire to look at what most people eat. I have my food pretty well under control and don't particularly want random people slamming me because "hurr durr you don't eat what I do WAHT!!?" However, I know some people are curious what I eat, and if they are just nosy (like I…
  • This year & next for my Scandinavian Studies undergrad (my school experience has been kind of a mess since I had no motivation when I started, changed my major four times, and took three years off to work full-time), then I'll have... I don't want to think of how many more for an MA in Germanic & Scandinavian Studies and…
  • I am pretty stoked for fall to be coming around the corner - I do not to well in hot weather AT ALL. I will be glad to be able to walk around campus all day long and not feel like I'm swimming through the hottest pits of Hell. Also, everything pumpkin-flavored, gorgeous trees, new seasonal produce, and chilly Minnesota…