sharing diary



  • A_Warrior_Princess
    I think it is a personal decision to open your diary or not Personally, I choose to keep mine open, but don't expect a lot of comments from me if I can't see what your eating.
  • iamafoodaholic
    iamafoodaholic Posts: 46 Member
    I also think so .It helps me looking at them and thinking man I could eat this or that. I have a friend on here she even sends me a recipe if I ask. I wish when you were looking for friends it would say if they had a diary open .Just my thoughts

    I totally agree! That is how I search for new friends. I love getting ideas from other people.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    It doesn't bother me either way but if a friend's diary is closed I do suspect that they may be eating badly still but just less calories than they did.
  • modernshieldmaiden
    I have mine open to friends only. I really have no desire to look at what most people eat. I have my food pretty well under control and don't particularly want random people slamming me because "hurr durr you don't eat what I do WAHT!!?" However, I know some people are curious what I eat, and if they are just nosy (like I am about so many other things) it doesn't bother me to let them look as long as they've made some sort of effort talking to me already.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I share mine as do most of my friends and I find the sharing gives me some new options on occasion. It's a complete personal choice but if your friends are complaining about not losing or saying things like they feel they should be losing more and not sharing their diary it's hard to help. I say just try and respect that they aren't comfortable with it and carry on.
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I think diary sharing is a personal choice, but we are all here to help each other and give each other support. Sharing your diary just helps keep you accountable and it also gives suggestions to others. Many people in 'diet mode' think they have to eat cardboard and drink water to lose weight, seeing what others eat and how well they are doing is very helpful....I have a couple of friends on line and we email each other what we ate at the end of the day and just critique the menu, its very helpful.....For me, its not an invasion of my privacy, its accountability....
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I think it is up to the individual. I've met some really kind and supportive people here who have fantastic ideas about managing weight and increasing exercise, but my diary is mine. I delete most of my exercise entries off my wall, too because I’m just trying to track and meet my personal goals. Unless I have something to say about the exercise, I delete it. It’s no one’s business.

    I do not friend people I do not like, but do I really know them? Do I report what I eat to my S.O.? Do I call my friends or my parents to tell them what I ate today? No. Why? Because I'm a grown up and I'm responsible for myself.

    And when you have people here like the "Calories are NOT equal" person using her friends’ diary food choices to publicly attack people who do not 'eat clean' I have no desire to be cannon fodder for sadists. Did her friends know when they added her that she was going to look at their diaries to attack their eating habits? Probably not! (The OP's diary was set to private; I guess it's easier to judge others eating habits when you do not let anyone judge yours.)

    Honestly, I rather not judge anyone on what they eat. Unless someone is struggling with a disease that is affected by certain foods (Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, IBS, uncontrolled Diabetes, etc) or just had weight loss surgery, I say eat your cake and lose weight, too!
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member
    I think the point of "friends" on here is to encourage and support each other. If I'm looking for your support, then my food diary should be open to you. Otherwise, what's the point to having "friends" who are supporting you?

    Because there are 8 billion ways to be supportive and encouraging without looking at what someone ate. I have never looked at any of my friends' diaries, I don't know who has an open or closed diary, I don't even know if they log food. And yet, I find ways to support them. A lot.

    My diary was closed forever and my friends still found a million ways to support me. My diary is open now, for the time being anyway, but having friends look at what I ate doesn't equate to support for me. Nor am I looking for feedback/suggestions. I'm all set.
    ^^^^^ I agree
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