

  • I braved the scales today, I'm 4lbs up since I last got weighed, which was 2 weeks ago. Considering I've ate like a King (or pig) had numerous takeaways, sweets, chocolate etc, squeezed my Birthday in as well as Christmas, and only went to the gym twice, I'm quite pleased, I think I convinced myself I was going to be a…
  • Obese: A Year To Save My Life.
  • I suppose I'm following part of this, for me, its no chocolate, no booze,(that should be easy) no pastries and no takeaways / fast food. I may have some white carbs like bread and pasta but only if there is no other choice available and they'll always be within my calorie allowance.
  • Big Subway fan here, I love Turkey & Ham on wheat bread with sweet onion or bbq sauce.
  • Cheers for the advice, I've done some Kettlebell workouts before, I might try and add in 20 - 30 mins training a day (x 3 - 4 times a week). Anyone had any good / bad experiences using kettlebells, I enjoyed using them but never stuck at them long enough to see proper results.
  • Sorry, I suppose I forgot the most important part my diet, haha, yeah, I'll be cutting the calories, probably to around the 1500 - 1600 mark and trying to ensure I eat mostly good foods, no alcohol, fast food & takeaways, the usual.
  • North East of England here, happy to accept new friends ;)
  • I used to weigh in on Fridays, this was be because if I'd done well during the week I'd take things a little easier at the weekend, if I hadn't done so well, I'd be more strict over the weekend. There is some logical there somewhere.
  • Thanks, I always get confused whether to eat exercise calories or not?!?!?:(