
Hey all
Just wondered if you could advise, at the moment I'm soley interested in dropping lbs, I'm hoping to drop about 10 lbs in the next 4 - 4 weeks.

At the gym, I'm doing a lot of cardio, mainly because its what I enjoy the most, so an average workout would be;

20 mins on the treadhill, 2.5% incline running about 10 kph
20 mins on the rowing machine, usually cover about 5000 feet
20 - 25 mins on the upright exercise bike, usually cover 10 - 12 kilometers
20 - 25 mins on the cross trainer, usually cover 4 - 5 kilometers

Heart rate is generally 140 - 160 range. I usually go about 5 times a week, and will be going at least 5 times a week in the new year.

My question is, if I do this for 4 - 5 weeks, do you think I can drop the lbs, once I'm 140 lbs mark, I'd like to start reducing the cardio and adding some resistance and toning exercises.

I'm not after gaining massive amount of muscle, rather just tone up.

Just wondered what people thought?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    well, you covered your cardio pretty thoroughly, but didn't include a single word about your diet. If you want to lose weight, you have to be at a calorie deficit. do all the cardio you want. but if you do it at a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. if you don't, you won't

    as to the rest, i'm not sure why you're waiting until you lose weight to start resistance training. that's a complete mismanagement of time. if you're going to do it, start now, not on some nebulous date in the future.
  • danevz22
    Sorry, I suppose I forgot the most important part my diet, haha, yeah, I'll be cutting the calories, probably to around the 1500 - 1600 mark and trying to ensure I eat mostly good foods, no alcohol, fast food & takeaways, the usual.
  • Dymatized
    I think you should only do 30 - 60 minutes of cardio a day but you have to incorporate resistance training. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn. And of course you should be in a caloric deficit as said previously.
  • rbrob20
    With every exercise regime, you need to balance it with good eating. Look at your fat intake, and alcohol consumption.Your goal is most definitively achievable. The exercises you are doing will remove the fat, to reveal the muscle. good luck
  • danevz22
    Cheers for the advice, I've done some Kettlebell workouts before, I might try and add in 20 - 30 mins training a day (x 3 - 4 times a week).

    Anyone had any good / bad experiences using kettlebells, I enjoyed using them but never stuck at them long enough to see proper results.