jennicole4 Member


  • I just started today. I had an appointment this morning and was given a B12 shot along with the prescription. I'm on the 37.5 dose, but he told me to take half a pill the first couple days. I go back in 2 weeks for him to make sure I'm not experiencing any serious side effects. So far today, I've had a nice steady energy…
  • Sort of A for me yesterday Had to prepare for another stupid snow storm yesterday, so did not make it to the gym. Hubby brought some weights home though. We didn't have time to set up the stuff in the office, so the bench is in the shed for now. He spotted me and I had to do the bench on a stability ball. It was crazy and…
  • Several goals this month as I missed the boat on the entire goals thread in February! I'm hoping to get to 65 lb. on OHP Deadlift up to 155 lb. Bench up to 65 lb. Squats up to 100 lb. Yikes! I will be continuing the C25K also. Upper body stuff is tough for me, so I hope my goals are reasonable I started cutting today.…
  • Tagging so I can find this again
  • Posting two workouts tonight cause I was too busy to catch up with ya'll earlier in the week. Seeing lots of awesome lifting though! Workout A on We'd. Squat 1x5 BW, 2x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 80 Bench 1x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 60 - broke the plateau! Yay! OHP 5x5 @ 50 - broke this plateau too! On fire over here! Workout B today Squat 1x5 BW,…
  • I had a terrible time with a trainer at my gym too. He made me feel like I could never progress without him. He told me that SL was an Internet fad that didn't work. Never mind it's based on basic compound lifts. He tried to sell me on some crazy nutrition plan. He also told me I was obese even though I only have 15ish…
  • Congrats! We're not allowed to smile in our license pictures :( They always say, "Look straight ahead, keep a neutral expression" Click and it's over. Then they flatten out the picture so everyone looks like they have a fat face. It stinks! They do it for facial recognition software or something. I hate it! I miss smiling…
  • Welcome! Sorry I'm all late and wrong... Lol. Just saw this today!
  • @cruisin - I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. I'll be praying for you and your family. Pen pals is a great idea - as is Skype. I know my kids love writing/receiving letters. (((hugs)))
  • Feel free to add me - I'm in the mid-Atlantic area. I work in marketing for a home care company.
  • Beautiful! Love it!
  • Fantastic job! What an inspiring story from a stronger - than -she - thought young woman. You look beautiful. God bless!
  • Just my two cents, but this lift is the toughest one for me as well. I seem to perform best when I am really focused on my breathing. Inhale before you lift with a sharp exhale beginning when the bar hits eye level and finishing as you lock elbows overhead. I also focus on keeping my body tight from the floor up. Legs,…
  • B Today - Squats: 2x5 @ 55, 5x5 @ 75. Form was dead on today, I've been following the squats discussion with interest and used the tips & they worked beautifully! Ready to move up to 80 next time! OHP - 1x5 @ 45, 5/4/4/3/3 @ 50. Will stay here next time, but it actually felt really good to work hard and fail. I could SEE…
  • Not sure if there is one in your area, but if they are already in a run club, there's a program called Girls on the Run for elementary girls and Girls on Track for middle schoolers. It's a curriculum about goal setting, positive body image, nutrition, and athletic improvement. Parents get a booklet along with the girls.…
  • Don't do it! I tried the free session with a trainer and it was terrible! I was so nervous about starting alone but I watched a bunch of videos and learned on my own. I started with the bar on everything except dead lift and for that I started with a preloaded 50lb. bar stacked on a few plates. I also use preloaded bars…
  • Welcome! I'm about a month in and loving the results so far! Also these ladies are great- very helpful and supportive.
  • I use it occasionally. I enjoy it and feel like it hits more areas of my body than the treadmill. I especially think it's helpful for back and core.
  • Today was A for me. It was a pretty crappy workout TBH. The girls had a 2 hour delay this morning due to snow, so I wasn't able to go bright and early like I planned. The daycare at my gym is only open until noon, so I had to haul butt to get there and only had about an hour to work out. My rows were really rushed there at…
  • In for pics. Maybe one day I will post mine
  • I did B yesterday but I was too tired to post afterwards. Lol. Squats 2x5 @ 45 lb. for warm up 5x5 @ 75 lb. I felt like my form was off. I am stronger on my right side than the left and I think I'm pushing more with my right side. I had some lower back and hip pain. I am going to stay at this weight on Tuesday to work on…
  • I have pretty tiny hands and wrists myself. I also recommend gloves. Also for OHP and rows, my gym has smaller bars preloaded with weights. I use those instead of the big bar when possible and that also helps. You can't add plates to them though so I'm stuck with the regular bar every other session. Increasing grip…
  • Krokador, you were right, I was wrapping my thumb around the bar on Squats. I didn't do that this time & we'll see if it helps. I wrapped it around on OHP though because I was afraid if I didn't that I would drop the bar on my head! What about DLs? I wrap there too. Cruisin - I will watch those on Tuesday before I bench.…
  • I'm not sure which lifts are causing the problems because they generally feel ok while I'm working out. The pain comes later. If I had to guess, I'd say it's the bench press. The pain seems worse after Workout A. The gloves I have do have wrist wraps on them and they seemed to help. I am hoping that they will strengthen up…
  • 60% of the works EVERY time. :laugh:
  • Glad you had a good experience with your trainer! Mine sucked! I've been at this program about a month and my workout time is starting to increase since I rest longer between sets now. I think you're on the right track! Use a squat rack, not a Smith machine. They are fairly straightforward and if you can't move the pegs,…
  • Hello lovely ladies! The weather is terrible, but I still made it to the gym today. Thankfully, rain cleared up much of the snow from last night. Although it is supposed to snow again tonight. Ugh! Hate Winter!! :grumble: Today was Workout A for me: Squats Warm-up: 2x5 @ 45 lb. Working: 5x5 @ 70 lb. Finally moved up in…
  • I also just noticed the photos! Great job! Impressive results. I will be taking pictures later this week or early next week. I am already seeing progress and the pictures really help me on the days I am frustrated at how long this is taking me. (And those days come waayy too often) :)