A New Driver's License And What A Difference!

We moved, and I needed to update my driver's license address...BUT EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO ME...I wanted a new photo and my CORRECT WEIGHT on that important photo ID.

My old license showed a lady with a very fat face and double chins. It also gave my honest weight for that time, which was 280 pounds. My new driver's license will show a smiling, much thinner lady, and the weight says 165 pounds. I do weight 168.4 pounds today, but I have lost 11 pounds in the last 10 days. After more than a month plateau, my body is shedding weight again; so, I thought it wouldn't hurt to say that I weigh 165. I should be at that number by the time my new license arrives.

I was so happy to be replacing that important photo ID. I am asked so often to show my license; and lately, people take a longer at the photo. I know that they are thinking the photo doesn't look much like the lady offering the ID. The round face with fat cheeks and double (make that triple) chins has long gone. I have cheek bones again and no extra chins. Many folks say that I don't even look like a woman of 69 years. That is one of my favorite things to hear. :smile:

This was a nice treat for me today....one of those NSV moments.

Does your driver's license reflect the real you?


  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    That is so cool! Congrats. It's going to be so cool when you compare them side-by-side.
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    Congratulations!! You have every right to be happy and proud!! Way to go!!!

    The weight hasn't been right on my license in the last few years. Right now, it says 185 lbs, but the picture was probably me--when I was about 225 with a double chin. It still isn't right, but good news--now it's too high. Woo-hoo!! When travelling recently, a TSA agent suggested I get a new license, because I no longer look like my picture. Note: TSA always looks at me closely, because I'm a white girl with a very ethnic last name thanks to my hubby. For my birthday, in April, I am getting a new license and I am excited to get the new picture.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Mine does not for reasons of weight and hair. My past pic was taken after I had all the hair shaved off for surgery. The pic had short brown hair and now my hair is long and I color it blond. I will be looking forward to my new picture reflecting the new me too.
    Congratualtions on all your hard work!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Congrats Sue!! That is a wonderful NSV!!!
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    I just reached my license weight this week :)
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    How exciting for you!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I've kept the same weight (160) on my license for YEARS, despite ranging from 210 (highest) to 125 (today). Up and down, up and down, that's me, although I've been at "normal" weight (in the last two years going from obese, to merely overweight, now normal) for over a year. It's few years before I have to renew. I guess if I'm still of "normal" weight then, I'll give the DMV my true weight! I am confident now that I have the tools to maintain my new lower weight. So glad you like your new photo and, mostly, your new weight; what a lot of work you've done to get there!
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Sue, that is such a wonderful NSV!! Congratulations!!

    My license shows a bloated, almost 200lbs heavy me. Today I'm 131.5lbs and almost at goal. I don't look the same, but will wait until it needs to be renewed. I'm still recognizable.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    Wow! Great job. And I hadn't even thought about this. I was annoyed that this year I had to GO IN to renew my license, which around here takes a couple of hours. Now, I'll happily go in. My old license was 234 lbs and not a good picture. Something to look forward to :)
  • I'm the kind of woman who carefully applies her makeup
    and arranges her hair for a photo ID.
    I do that because it's a bad picture, just because I'm overweight.

    After I changed addresses here in Southern California,
    the Department of Motor Vehicles only required
    online registration of my new address.
    Therefore, I don't get a new picture taken until 2016.

    I'm already 30 pounds UNDER (hallelujah) my 'official weight'.
  • AnnieAustineer
    AnnieAustineer Posts: 22 Member
    Our UK licences don't have a section for weight, but the photo on mine is one from my thinner period - although I am sporting a questionable quiff and look like I've been on a three-day drinking session :-(

    Many congratulations on your weight loss :-)
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I'm the kind of woman who carefully applies her makeup
    and arranges her hair for a photo ID.
    I do that because it's a bad picture, just because I'm overweight.

    After I changed addresses here in Southern California,
    the Department of Motor Vehicles only required
    online registration of my new address.
    Therefore, I don't get a new picture taken until 2016.

    I'm already 30 pounds UNDER (hallelujah) my 'official weight'.

    I live in Central California, and the DMV lady said that I didn't need to update my photo...just my address. I told her that wanted a new photo and accurate weight of record, because I have lost almost 115 pounds. The photo doesn't look like me. Then, she said that I could have a 'duplicate license' done for $27.00 that would let me update my photo and weight. I said, "Fine."; and she handed me a form to fill out. Then, she took my money, the form and my new photo.

    It was so worth it. :happy:
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    :laugh: Wow! I never even thought about what my liecense picture looked like now that I'm loosing. In fact we just got our Costco card renewed this past Wednesday and I didn't even think about changing the picture. So I guess I'll have to wait until next year!! lol!! Oh well!!! But you do look a lot different from the before pictures you have posted. Another thing to boost your confidence as you slide into the maintainance lifestyle! Enjoy!!!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    My license picture sort of looks like me, even though it was about 25 pounds ago. But what DOESN'T look like me is my work (Federal) ID card. I have to flash that to get into my building.

    My Agency STUBBORNLY refuses to take a new picture of me, even though it's plainly obvious I don't look like the person in that pic anymore. I was 343 pounds (approximately - may have even been a little more!) in that shot - today I'm nearly 112 pounds lighter. But they STILL won't change it.

    It's okay, because it's one of the FEW photos of me from "before". When people look, their mouths hit the floor. Mine, too.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats! We're not allowed to smile in our license pictures :( They always say, "Look straight ahead, keep a neutral expression" Click and it's over. Then they flatten out the picture so everyone looks like they have a fat face. It stinks! They do it for facial recognition software or something. I hate it! I miss smiling on my driver's license!
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    My license says I'm 200...I was probably closer to 260 in the photo with my dyed dark brown hair. Now I'm at 178 and have let my hair go back to it's natural color, blond.

    My passport photo is even worse, I was lightening my hair, straightening it poorly (I have naturally Minnie Driver type hair) and it was before I started to wear makeup.

    So basically, I'm three different people.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Mine still says 130 from when I was 16. How fun it would be to be that weight next year when I need to renew my license! Congratulations on your new license picture!!
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    Seeing my driver license picture is what got me started on this journey in 2009. I was shocked at the swollen face, double chin and almost no neck. I'll have to post a pic of it soon.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    So awesome, OP!
    I just got my dreaded DMV letter a few days ago. Even though I'm not done yet, I still intend to make an appointment just to get a new photo taken. I'm down to 186 from nearly 300 in the last one (even though I lied and it says 250, lol). The less-swollen face is reason enough to wait in that line for half a day.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    my license is good until something like 2025 - so I will be stuck with it for a while... but for me, I like it... every time I look at it it is a reminder of how far I came and how I never want to go back...

    It was taken when I moved here in 2010 and it shows a very hot and bothered woman who had to run around to get the license and car registered before in expired at the end of the month which was like the next day and I had no bed yet, as the movers hadn't quite caught up with us. And no hot water turned on yet as I didn't know the new house had to have the gas turned on for the water heater (My old house had an electric water heater, and everything went through 1 company anyway). It also says my weight was 280 then (I was probably already over the 300 mark)

    I don't generally have too many people asking to see my license, but I can see where getting that questioning look would get tiresome.

    So if you are happy with the new pic, that is all that matters
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