Also a vego, feel free to add :)
Hey Madison! I'm a first-year university [college] student myself so I get what you're going through. I definitely agree with what others here are saying, incorporating exercise goes a long way to keeping you on track with your goals. Our food is not always 100% under our control, but one of the most important things you…
Welcome aboard Jen :) please feel free to add me, can always do with more support and encouragement!
Sent a request, welcome aboard :)
Hola! Congrats on starting your new journey :) I've been a lacto-ovo-vegetarian for just over a year now, best decision I ever made. Feel free to add :)
Congrats for giving it another go Kelly :) Request sent.
Hey there Kamie! Great job on the weight loss so far. I'm also a student myself so I know it can be difficult to find the time for exercise and the like. Feel free to add :)
Hola! 18 from Australia, vegetarian, looking to loose around six-eight kilos (about 13-17lbs) of fat but also pack on some muscle. Please feel free to add :)
Hey there! I'm a vegetarian for just over a year, also looking to add some muscle. Feel free to add :)
Sweet! Alas I've never been a fan of cottage cheese but I'm goo with beans, eggs, some tofus etc. Thanks very much all! :)
Welcome back! Feel free to add me, I definitely know how you feel when it comes to sliding backward. Determined not to do so again :)
Thanks very much! I get what you mean by likening it to giving up smoking- I became overweight initially after eating became a comfort and subsequent habit during a stressful period, which in turn was made worse by the fact that my weight destroyed any self-esteem etc. I've acknowledged to myself that I've fallen quite…