CJReg119 Member


  • I'm a bit confused about how we are defining "water" here. Does the assumed benefit of drinking "water" on weight loss include all (calorie free) liquids?? For example, I drink lots of fresh-brewed iced tea. I'm thinking it's the same benefit as plain water. Thoughts?
  • Howdy and welcome. I, too, have a long way to go and have started and "failed" more than once. But I don't care if I "failed" before because I'm back on track again now. So, like everyone said - one day at a time, get support, stay in community with all of us MFP groupies and MOSTLY, give yourself a break for the past. NOW…
  • Dear Miss Pissy (ya gotten change the name!) I understand the shame and sense of failure. About 5 years ago, I lost 80 pounds and then "failed" at it and gained it all back over a year or so. I have felt shame and embarrassment and failure since that time about my looks and weight and my weakness. I had a very myopic view…
  • You are not alone in this. So, suck it up, Buttercup. Time to get your *kitten* in gear. As SGT Brown was fond of saying, "Move out and draw fire."[/quote] thank you, Palamedes, for this wonderful saying!! "Move out and draw fire."
  • Yay for you!!! Excellent work.....
  • MisMul -- congrats on the engagement! Look, girlfriend.... re: weight loss, health & fitness - been there, done there, went back, got a couple tee-shirts, now visiting the park YET AGAIN.... in other words, I know what ya mean! And through this wonderful tool, MFP, I've have learned that I am not alone on this "journey" of…
  • I am so sorry about your knee! I know how painful bad knees can be. Are you talking about the ARC trainer machine?? Sort of looks like that old "Gazel" thing some guy named Tony sold on TV? They have those Arc machines at my Planet Fitness
  • The data varies all over the place which is extremely frustrating! It could all be an exaggeration. The 200 was on the low side of my research. Some sites stated the cals burned at upwards of 500! This is hard enough but with variable data makes it confusing, too. With your info here, I'm probably burning like 50 cals for…
  • Thanks, all. Yes, I've heard the message to "find something you enjoy" before and that makes total sense. However, I don't enjoy any of it! I'm not good at it, it hurts and I look ridiculous! And now, to the point of my post here, I'm not really sure if it's beneficial. that's what I'm looking for info on -- do you guys…
  • Therapy - yes but I don't know what "thought records" are. Please inform me. Thank you! (also, I don't do any medication. the whole SSRI thing is quite dangerous, in my opinion. I know too many people who have issues with trying to stop taking them. The "brain damage" from it scares me. I get many people are on them and…
  • Thank you for your post and taking the time to reply!
  • Thank you for your post. Your words mean a lot to me. Good to know someone else sort of feels the same!