MissMul Posts: 6
edited October 2014 in Motivation and Support
Hi Lovely Ladies,

So I've been on here a while, and was doing very well a few months ago - moved slowly but steadily towards my goal weight. All was awesome! Then summer came, and at the start of September I got engaged (yay!) and basically I've been in kinda 'celebration' mode since. Barely any gym, eating more than I should and drinking far too much wine >:)

It also doesn't help that I've been back and forth between the USA (where I currently live) and the UK (where I used to live/where my university is/where I will soon again live). In fact since mid August I've been in UK on/off for 6 weeks - living in temporary accommodation with no proper grocery shopping and terrible kitchen. :s

Anyway...... I want to be at my goal weight for my wedding which is the 15th of August. But realistically I need to be there for May so my dress fittings can be realistic and I don't feel like a beached whale. Awkward. I was at around 74kg the last time I weighed in (about 3 weeks ago) but know for a fact (thanks evil jeans from hell), that I'm more than that now, so I've put it at 76 (and that's being kind). My original aim was 70kg, but now I've lowered it to 66kg.... just to see if I can do it.

Would love to hear success stories, motivation and helpful tips from you amazing ladies who are on the same journey, as I am finding it hard to get back into the mindset of a healthy active person.

However, today I am setting myself 1st goal; pilates workout and 30 mins of cardo. I think if I do that then tomorrow will be easier smile:

Let's see how I get on, fingers crossed!!!



  • IvyLuci
    IvyLuci Posts: 117 Member
    You have most of the year, you can do it. Start logging, even if you go over the calorie goals, that will keep you more aware of things.
    I don't know how in or out of shape you are, so just be careful not to overdo the exercise, injuries are no fun.

  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Dont worry. Weddings are overrated anyway.....
  • MissMul
    Thanks IvyLuci! Yeah I'll log every day if I can.... One more week of being out of routine, then back home where I can hopefully get down to business!!! I was in good shape a few months ago, but have lost the edge now. I think a week back into it I'll be fine.

    Eldamiano - noooooo, I'm so excited about wedding!!!! :)
  • JustFindingMe
    JustFindingMe Posts: 390 Member
    You can do it. If I can do it, YOU can do it :)
    Don't be restrictive, Don't panic. Read all the stickies regarding finding a calorie goal that works for you and weighing & logging your food.

    As for success stories, check out that section in the forums - you will be VERY motivated. There are some crazy, awesome, inspiring stories there !!

  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

    Rx: Get back on the wagon
    (2 thumbs up, smiiiiiiiley faaaaaace)
  • haildodger
    haildodger Posts: 181 Member
    There was a wagon? ..I've been jogging this whole time. =/
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Hiya, I'm Steve. In January of this year my wife and I went to the doctor. I had been having migraines for over a week. When I stepped on the scale my jaw could have hit the floor. I weighed in at a whopping 341 pounds. I was the biggest that I have ever been in my life. I was on high blood pressure meds, hypertension meds, high cholesterol, and prediabetic. I knew my weight had crept up but I had no idea how high it was. We decided then that something had to change. With a lot of support from my wife and friends I have dropped 110 pounds and transformed myself. I understand where most people are coming from because I have been there. If you are looking for advice, motivation, support, and or want to chat about my journey feel free to add me and send a message. I want to pay it forward and inspire others to reach their goals.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    MissMul wrote: »
    Thanks IvyLuci! Yeah I'll log every day if I can.... One more week of being out of routine, then back home where I can hopefully get down to business!!! I was in good shape a few months ago, but have lost the edge now. I think a week back into it I'll be fine.

    Eldamiano - noooooo, I'm so excited about wedding!!!! :)

    It will probably get you into debt and he might run off anyway. Much better investing in a bike....
  • CJReg119
    CJReg119 Posts: 14 Member
    MisMul -- congrats on the engagement! Look, girlfriend.... re: weight loss, health & fitness - been there, done there, went back, got a couple tee-shirts, now visiting the park YET AGAIN.... in other words, I know what ya mean! And through this wonderful tool, MFP, I've have learned that I am not alone on this "journey" of did it, lost it, found it, put it back on feel embarrassed, stupid, like a failure....blah, blah, blah. But you know what?? I am not alone in this. YOU are not alone in this. And by "this" I mean two things; (1) losing weight/getting healthier and then backsliding by gaining or falling out of habits, and (2) you are not alone on your journey back to where you want to be. For some unbelievable reason, I thought I was the only one in this"failure" boat. But I'm not -you're not; this MFP community and the various tracking tools and other info here are all wonderful. I am LOVING MFP as a tool to help me stay "on track".... I wholeheartedly feel that by using this as a support tool and making recording food/exercise and reading the posts and info here, I will get back to my health/fitness goals. And soon.

    So, you hopped off the wagon for a bit. OK - *kitten* happens. Not a good thing but, from the reports of others, appears to be a pretty normal thing. (I hopped off to the point of gaining back the 80 lbs (36 kg) I worked so hard to lose a couple years ago.) But the wagon has circled back to you for another pick up and you can jump back on with the rest of us who are not alone in slipping up and who are doing it and will do it again. And again. And again if that's what's needed but you CAN do it. Work the MFP tool, track food, workout (and NO ON, NO ONE - on either side of "the pond" - hates that more that me but I am doing it!!) Even if you go slow, just don't stop. Forward progress is the key. Best of everything to you, my friend! (*)
  • MissMul
    All you girls (and guys!!!!!) are soooo sweet, thank you. It really, really helps when you know others are going through this too. It's hard, because as you all know it's a constant battle, not just to do the exercise day-in-day-out, but to ALWAYS have to stopping yourself from having that glass of wine, or that chocolate biscuit etc. etc. etc.

    This was me at the start of my journey :confounded:


    Next was me back in September:


    Final one is from right now today:


    I REFUSE to let my little sabbatical from eating right/exercising ruin all the work I did up to August. I'm going to try hard. I'm to get have a few slip-ups and I'm STILL going to get there.

    I just broke the cycle by doing 45 minutes of pilates and I feel better already. The 'seal' has been broken now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: