

  • As stated previously, if it does not concern my original question and you don't "approve" of my typing then please mind your own business and concern yourself with your own weight loss as it would be better fitted. I have said this before mfp is for support, diet and lifestyle, there is no need for people like yourself to…
  • I was asking for advice, this is a supportive forum and if you had nothing supportive to say please don't comment on petty things just for the sake of commenting, and for the record I am an English Literature teacher so I am very much acquainted with punctuation but as I said this is a forum were abbreviations are used and…
  • Thank you to everyone that replied, your comments have really made sense and helped a lot I think I needed to hear this from other people who have gone through the same experience in now realise that I've been putting to much pressure on myself and to high of expectations so thank you all for the advice :-)
  • Thankyou for your reply I know slow and steady is better as I've done the same in the past lost 6 stone and put 7 back on it's just I'm getting to the point of feeling extremely depressed because of the weight and with Christmas next week I feel I could easy put the 14lb back on :-( oh I love subways the sandwiches are too…
  • Thank you so so much everyone, your replies have been super helpful ideas I myself would of never thought of so thank you again for the advice :-)
  • Thanks everyone for your replies the reason why I take one day 'off' a week is because I used to have an eating disorder (bulimic) and my doctor has recommended me to do this to keep me from getting over obsessed as the last time I was just so strict dieting and over exercising and it almost ruined my relationship so I…
  • Thanks everyone for ur replies think ill give it a go for a week and see how I get on :)
  • Guys thank you all sooo much your replies are so helpful and motivating I've just one more question sorry am such a newbie but I've read on a lot of posts that a lot of people use different websites like 'scooby workshop' or 'free dieting' to get their calorie allowance because mfp is wrong is this true? Should I use a…
  • Do you guys count macros or cals or both? This bit confuses me :-( thanks for your replies too :)