

  • work out when it is a good time for you. morning is great if you like getting up early. evening is just as fine, though a pain because the Gym tends to be so packed....Personally I work out at 11pm till about 1AM though my schedule permits that. anyhow just exercise when you can, because no matter what time you will feel…
  • you may feel terrible about it, but you must remember to treat yourself once in awhile. Obviously dont make a habit of doing it every day. it make weight loss much easier when you know that "Saturday I will have that piece of cake". It always made me so mad when I would see thin people eat half a pizza and not gain a…
  • I always get a little more energy working out when I hear "Breaking Benjamin" or "Fall out boy"
  • Hi, Congrats on your decision to live a healthier lifestyle. judging from what you said about your working out I would have to agree with others that your calorie intake should be a little more...the last thing you need are health problems that will stop you in your tracks. try to remember that anything really worth doing…
  • Awesome! Like yourself I fell off the wagon during the holidays. With determination and the belief that you can...you will be successful :)
    in I'm back! Comment by jimmyh January 2010
  • Tried this out when I was not going to the Gym much and it kicked my butt...it a good workout but I would much rather go to the gym. the exercises progress from beginner to expert and as I never made it past begginer I cannot tell you for sure, but I would imagine you will loose a decent amount of weight on this program. I…