30 Day Shred...

So I have heard such wonderful things about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred from posts... So I went and got it tonight! I got it so that on days that I can't make it to the gym I can at least do SOMETHING! Can anyone tell me what to expect! I know there are a lot of users on MFP... Any suggestions are welcome!

Thanks and good luck to everyone on their progress to a healthier you!


  • proudloser
    Yesterday was my first day doing the workout and let me tell ya...it works, lol. When you're legs are sore enough that you have to slowly sit down to got "potty" you know you're getting a good workout in your legs for sure. The rest of your body should get sore too, just not as much :) Good luck...it is pretty fun. My husbands actually working out with it right now and I hear him panting, lol. He said "I want to try it becuase it looks really easy".
  • my2boystx
    Good Luck to both of you on it! I love Jillian Michaels :)
  • arutherf
    arutherf Posts: 29 Member
    I would suggest choosing level one to start, and begin by doing all the beginner modifications they show you. You may not think it's hard when you look at it, but believe me, it's very difficult and yet doable. I work out about 2-3 times a week doing cardio at the gym, and I play soccer, so I consider myself fairly active, but this work out kicks my butt! You'll feel better about yourself if you can finish the work out without having to take a break, and the best way to do this is to start at the bery beginning and work your way up when you feel ready to take on more of a challenge.
  • jimmyh
    jimmyh Posts: 8
    Tried this out when I was not going to the Gym much and it kicked my butt...it a good workout but I would much rather go to the gym. the exercises progress from beginner to expert and as I never made it past begginer I cannot tell you for sure, but I would imagine you will loose a decent amount of weight on this program. I hope this helps :)
  • vachegomoo
    I love this workout! I'm still on level 1, but I'm only doing it a couple of times a week. I don't get it in my legs too much, but it feels like my arms are going to fall off every time. :) It's great because it's really working out your entire body, so you can maintain the areas that you're doing ok in and everything else gets to catch up.
  • cc_campbell81
    You should stretch after the workout for a while. You will be sore. But I love the work out.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I love this DVD. I've been doing it since September, but I don't do it everyday. I was definitely feeling it in my muscles in the beginning. Right now, I'm on Level 3, using 5 pounds weights. I plan to go back to Level 1 and keep upping the weight. It's a great workout - I feel like I get a total body workout in such a short amount of time. Oh, and I can finally do push-ups. Thank you, Jillian!! :bigsmile: Good luck!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I have done these workouts and did the 30 day challenge. If you are ready to work hard this one's for you. It is NOT an easy workout. You will be sore, out of breath and sweat your butt off. Good luck!
  • souchie
    souchie Posts: 18 Member
    She's a brute! I thought I was in shape, and I would do level 1 and follow up with level 2, for a better workout.....I stopped at level 1. The moves are simple and easy to follow. but I thought it was pretty intense.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    its a great workout...shes tough though so dont expect an easy workout session! but it pays offf!!!