terrible weekend

LETIN1 Posts: 38
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support

I did so bad on Saturday. I am trying to recoup. I did well for breakfast and lunch but for dinner, it was terrible. My husband and I went to a friend's house for dinner. When I got there I was good. Didn't eat any of the h'orderves. I served myself salad, little bit of rice and some shrimp. But then I had a beer and a glass of wine. After that when the cheesecake came out it was over. I had two slices by the end of the night.

Since Sunday, I've been watching what I eat. Keeping track of my calories. But I haven't gotten back on the treadmill. Hopefully tonight I will do it. I am trying hard to motivate myself.


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Don't beat yourself up...just continue on today. As long as you don't make it a habit it will be one of those days of the past. :drinker: Here's to a better week.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    Im right there with you. I did the same thing but on sunday. Not only did I not go to the gym, I ate a huge sausage sandwich and then had some girl scout cookies. I was so mad at myself, but I got back on track today. I really dont think that one day of going off track is going to be bad, especially if you get back on the horse. Dont beat yourself up. I turned to the website first thing this morning and got motivated again :)
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Yes... treadmill here I come, as soon as I get off work tonight! Did pretty much nothing the whole weekend, so got to get back on, you are not alone!
  • you may feel terrible about it, but you must remember to treat yourself once in awhile. Obviously dont make a habit of doing it every day. it make weight loss much easier when you know that "Saturday I will have that piece of cake". It always made me so mad when I would see thin people eat half a pizza and not gain a thing, but when i asked them about it they told me it is not all the time and they get their exercise in everyday...consider and "unhealthy foods" more motivation to exercise and workout...just my 2 cents....
  • mayhem1969
    mayhem1969 Posts: 27 Member
    The real issue isn't that you ate two pieces of cheesecake. The real issue is why did you feel so guilty about it? Why do we all think in terms of good and bad. I ate crappy food all day but it was low in calories, so I did good? I had a cheeseburger and fries, and that's high in calories, so I did bad. It's defeating and ultimately self hate. I understand, trust me. Been through it all myself. I am not trying to give anyone a bad time. However, I think when you compartmentalize weight loss into good and bad, you are doomed for failure. Cheesecake, burgers, fries, chips, cookies, beer, or your other favorite foods once a week, twice? How long is that going to last? Most people quit there weight loss efforts because they feel so guilty about their failures, they don't want to try anymore. I think it's time we all stop beating ourselves up over cheesecake.

    Let's face it. Your weekend was terrible, not because you ate cheesecake. It was terrible because you tried so hard not to eat cheesecake, even though you wanted some, and afterward you felt guilty. How about next time you eat a small breakfast and lunch (like you said) and you exercise for thirty minutes. When you get to the party you have a glass of wine, a couple of hors d'oeuvres, and get this, a small single serving size of cheesecake. You feel satisfied. You enjoy yourself. You have fun. And, you get up the next day feeling good about yourself.
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