chippywelsh Member


  • I was going to go out last night but didn't because I've got nothing nice to wear. I've had to finally accept that I'm a dress size bigger so nothing fits and the styles I used to wear don't suit me anymore because they all have waists. I've gone from a 12 - 14 with a flat stomach to a 16 with rolls of fat. It's so…
  • Hi, I'm 51 never previously had any health issues, ate anything etc. Now I have aching joints, gained 10lbs which I just cannot shift even though I'm eating less and less, hot sweats the works! But... Having tried all sorts of diets, I'm now strictly low carb, high fat and it's definitely helping. I find the way of eating…
  • When I said to the doctor about the weight gain she said it's your age and the menopause, you can do nothing other than try your best and accept it. Even more depressingly she said she had another patient who ate nothing but vegetables and was still putting on weight! :-(
  • Hi, I feel your pain! So many people, including my own very supportive partner are convinced we're in denial about how much we eat or how much exercise we do because if was true we'd be slim! It's such a battle and can be so depressing. My partner spent a fortnight eating exactly what I eat but bigger portions because he's…
  • You sound very down but you clearly are motivated to do something about your situation. I've been there lots of times and it's a constant journey sometimes easier than other times. I find the best help I've ever had (I'm in my late 40s so a longer journey than yourself!) is to find friends - on social networks is helpful…
  • Make sure you eat plenty of filling vegetables and keep busy so you aren't thinking about food all the time. You can do this!
  • I can lose weight without exercise but only by keeping to around 1000 cals per day - so I have to make sure I eat really healthily, lots of green vegetables and lean protein. Even then it's 1lb per week but I'm happy with that. I read a report recently that claimed the way to lose weight was a strict low cals for 2 days…
  • I love social drinking too. I once gave up for a couple of months - partly to see if I could. Made absolutely no difference to anything - didn't feel better, didn't lose weight, didn't sleep better (not that I have any problem sleeping normally). I have cut back now, mostly because I'm middle aged and it just feels like I…
  • Absolutely, I love it! I stick mostly to weekend drinking and holidays and I drink in moderation - well most of the time. I did give up entirely for 2 months and saw no benefits at all and just didn't have quite such a good time with friends.
  • Whay you eat is really important, you are young enough to set up a really healthy way of eating which will be so good for you as you get older and unlike all of us over 40s on here desperately trying to offset years of bad habits you'll be laughing! There's absolutely loads of great advice on here about eating plenty in…
  • I wish I could eat that much just to maintain! I can't lose any eating 1000 - 1200! If I stick to 1200 regardless of exercise I'd just about maintain where I am. 2000 and I;d be huge!!
  • Hi I've been doing this for quite a few months. I haven't lost much weight but it's because I'm a pleasure seeker, I like my food, I often feel like I deserve a treat! The good news is that whilst I haven't lost much I haven't put on and I was definitely on a steady journey towards obesity before. In the last 6 years age…
  • Forget about trying to lose loads of weight in a short time, it isn't going to happen and you'll just make yourself unhappy. Concentrate on eating healthily and do some enjoyable exercise, then do all the stuff to make yourself feel good like a new hair do maybe, get pampered, fab new figure flattering outfit. Build your…
  • Me too! It happened to me in my 40s, never used to have a belly, always thighs but now I have to work at keeping the belly under control. I do little bits of exercise whenever I can, even a couple of minutes lots of times throughout the day mounts up. I also do twisting, bending side to side and lots of hip circling - like…
  • Switt Swooo I say! : ) Well done!
  • Maybe my maths is all wrong (quite possibly) but if you're 5.8ft tall the weight you are aiming for seems far too low? Perhaps you should concentrate on being healthy, exercising and toning?
  • That's a great idea, everyone on here that I've come across gives good sensible positive comments and advice. There are a lot of us who want to set good examples to our children as well. Good luck : )
    in New here Comment by chippywelsh May 2011
  • I had a tin of tomato soup which was a bit dull but filling! :happy:
  • Hi I work full time and find it a struggle so I do small amounts as often as I can - seems silly but even a couple of minutes done 3 times a day helps. I bought some gym equipment as I just couldn't get to the gym often enough. The most useful by far has been a cross trainer - York x201 bought via ebay. It has a weightloss…
  • Maybe you're toning up and slimming down even though your weight isn't changing much? Also, I think I often under estimate calories and portion size so I've been trying to over estimate this week to be on the safe side but making sure I don't feel hungry. I haven't weighed in yet but I think I will have lost this week when…