I REALLY need to lose weight in 14 Days!!!



  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    i love that quote!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I lost 132 pounds in 14 days.
    :drinker: Cheers for that laugh! Thank you!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    To those saying she'll harm her body, are you having a laugh?!!

    Isn't being overweight/obese harming your body for like a very long period of time? She's wanting a quick fix for i'm guessing a special occasion, so what's 14 days extreme dieting in comparison to months (or most likely years) of feeding your body too many calories!?

    are you serious? being overweight is a body in a state of unbalance, the way to fix that is not by throwing it in another extreme state of unbalance. if you mess with your metabolism too much (by either way too much food or way too little) it harms your body's ability to regulate and get to a healthy weight that will be sustainable.

    Yes I am serious.

    So you say you shouldn't mess with your metabolism if you're overweight and trying to lose weight? What like starting an exercise regime you mean...like most people are advised to do?
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    Is it just me or does anyone else find some of the idiotic and dangerous advice that's being given out on this thread quite frightening?

    I just can't believe the way some people think. I find it hard to believe that people using this site still have the mentality that there is a quick fix to weight loss and being healthy. Seriously people have you learned nothing?:noway:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I am 23
    12st 8lbs or 176lbs

    Okay! I know it't not healthy but its not long term I need to lose a LARGE amount of weight in 14 days its for something very special and I want to have lost a good bit of excess weight for it, please please please has anyone got any advice for this???

    I URGENTLY NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT IT IS SO IMPORTANT!!! please anyone lost loads a weight in that time? anyone know what to do? I am willing to do anything it takes to lose a substantial amount (NOTICEABLE) I need it to be noticeable!!!

    Try Lyle McDonald's "Rapid Weightloss Handbook"

    link: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-rapid-fat-loss-handbook

    It's pretty much the only publication I have seen with approaches this area in a scientific and safe manner. It will work but you will have to accept that most of the weight lose will be water as opposed to fat.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Is it just me or does anyone else find some of the idiotic and dangerous advice that's being given out on this thread quite frightening?

    I just can't believe the way some people think. I find it hard to believe that people using this site still have the mentality that there is a quick fix to weight loss and being healthy. Seriously people have you learned nothing?:noway:

    yep, I can't believe that some people actually gave her suggestions...
  • chippywelsh
    chippywelsh Posts: 23 Member
    Forget about trying to lose loads of weight in a short time, it isn't going to happen and you'll just make yourself unhappy.

    Concentrate on eating healthily and do some enjoyable exercise, then do all the stuff to make yourself feel good like a new hair do maybe, get pampered, fab new figure flattering outfit. Build your confidence and be happy in the skin you're in and the weight will come off in a sensible time scale.

    Do NOT take diet pills or drastic action as some people suggest or you'll just lose some weight but not enough to notice but your skin, hair, mood will make you look noticably awful!
  • stillababe2011
    To those saying she'll harm her body, are you having a laugh?!!

    Isn't being overweight/obese harming your body for like a very long period of time? She's wanting a quick fix for i'm guessing a special occasion, so what's 14 days extreme dieting in comparison to months (or most likely years) of feeding your body too many calories!?

    So... She's already harming her body by being over weight.... why shouldn't she ALSO harm her body by starving it for 14 days?
    Oh yeah.... because two wrongs have NEVER made a right.
  • stillababe2011
    I agree. Two wrongs definitely don't make a right. Well put. I'm appalled at some of the denial and excuses for why it's ok to crash diet for 14 days. We all know from personal experience that it just doesn't work. As I said in my earlier post, this is a new bad habit forming. You shouldn't replace an old (bad) habit with a new one. Common sense, people. Eat less, well balanced meals, stick within your calorie range and exercise more. This is about a lifestyle change, something you do for life! If you're looking for a quick fix all the time, unwilling to do the work, you're always going to have issues. Just sayin'
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    On MFP, we generally frown on unsafe weight loss. I can't give you any advice beyond how to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Otherwise, you'll need to do it under a doctor's supervision.

    thankyou! I do get a bit annoyed at people who want quick fixes or advice on starvation etc. This is a healthy site for people who are in for the long haul.
    Rant over!
  • evertongirl
    evertongirl Posts: 120 Member
    I agree with the majority here, the whole point of MFP is to do it the health long lasting way.... ..so why does MFP allow the ads that offer these so-called miracle cures..theres on now 'lose 11kg in 3 weeks' and an add for phenetermine was just on??
  • lornawalker
    lornawalker Posts: 135
    the head weighs about 10 pounds... I am sure you could do without?

    WTF??!! hahahahahah i freakin love you!!

    me too!

    Soooooooooooo funny :laugh:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    why did you wait until now to want to accomplish weight loss? you need to travel back in time mega-delorean.jpg

    14 days? no. just no. I lost 30 lbs. in 14 days. but I was 480 lbs and I quit soda cold turkey. in my case it was soda weight. not water weight. :tongue:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Did anyone actually read the OP? She understands that what she wants isn't healthy but for whatever reasons wants to achieve a certain goal. She is 23 not 12 so I presume she can make up her own mind after weighing up the risks and benefits of any approach.

    One would hope that after the 14 days she then approaches her weight loss in a more considered or sensible manner. However, there are certain times in people's lives where they do want to lose weight rapidly (coming up to a wedding for example.) Now idealism is all well and good but people are well, human, and fallible. Yeah, they shouldn't crash diet but you can bet your bottom dollar they will do.

    When someone has made up their mind to do something you can either give them the options to undertake their endeavour with a degree of safety and minimise the risks of what they are doing if you have that within your knowledge or not. Denying them knowledge or limiting their options ultimately hurts them more.

    What is clear however is that lecturing, brow beating or taking the piss out of the OP will not help her AT ALL.
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    mrsf74- I did read the OP post and i have no issue with that. to each their own and all that, but some of the responses from other MFP users have left me dumbfounded.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    the head weighs about 10 pounds... I am sure you could do without?

    Hahahaha!!!! :love:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    mrsf74- I did read the OP post and i have no issue with that. to each their own and all that, but some of the responses from other MFP users have left me dumbfounded.

    Fair enough. It seemed like this thread was going to turn into a bunfight with the OP on one side and people slating her on the other for having the gall to be vulnerable so I thought I would stick my oar in...

    (ps: I love your user name. It's one of my favourite Nirvana songs ;)
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    I lost 132 pounds in 14 days.

    No, those were grams, hon. ;) Otherwise you're just a head in a jar, at this point.

    OP: Nothing and no one is worth putting yourself through that kind of ridiculousness for. Get some silhouette smoothing underwear and a flattering outfit. BOOM.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    What's a TROLL? Can I be a troll? Do trolls lose weight really fast? Is there a troll diet that is magical and will make me skinny? Why am I just now hearing about this? Do trolls lose or loose wait or weight? I gotta know...

    hahahah lmao I want to be a troll too!

    - yes I know what a troll is I just love the sarcasm