

  • I have a Winsor Pilates video that I ordered online years ago. All you need is a mat. No yogo, but it is slow and controlled. Great for body scultping.
  • Thanks for the ads diet info. I am going to use those 12 foods as my staples!
  • The bananas are a huge help with the side cramping. It's the potassium in them that does the trick. If I drink to much water before I run I have that problem so the sips is a great idea. Proper streching BEFORE and AFTER your workout is also a must to avoid pulling muscles and to helping them grow. Anyone feel free to add…
  • Thanks for the idea. My kids would eat that too.
  • I am working out with the EA Sports Active 2 for the Wii and I agree it is a workout. I notice that it takes more of a workout to burn calories on there because it has alot of strength training. I added more cardio to my workout by walking or running on the treadmill, and that really takes off the calories quick. The…
  • Steam it! Lay Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts in a large piece of foil. Sprinkle Blue Cheese crumbles on top. Seal the foil around the chicken so no steam can escape. Put about an inch or so of water in the bottom a 9x13 pan put foil with chicken over pan ( I guess you could put it in the pan too) Not sure on the exact…
  • How about that I actually have a choc cake mix and pumpkin at home. Thanks.
  • Your body could be low on iron? Or you may need to take Vitamin B. I would talk to your doctor before taking anything, but both of those help with energy.
  • I find that when I am stressed, bored, or tired I will get a snack to "take the edge off" or "wake up". I have discovered that it is just a mindset. I can "take the edge off" by doing some stretches and drinking a glass of water. If I still want the snack I take it with me to the computer and log it in my Diary BEFORE I…
    in HELP Comment by reginarb February 2011
  • I used to work out early mornings with a group of co-workers (before kids) and I loved that when I got home I felt like I had already accomplished so much. Now after I work out I am exhausted so I do it in the evenings after I get home from work or after the kids are in bed. Do it when you have the most drive to stay at it…
  • I have found alot of use out of my search bar when I don't know what to do with food, how to cook, chop or tell if it is good. I just type in "how to chop peppers" and there is usually an article or video that will give you complete instructions on that type of food. The other day I wanted to cook asparagus for my…