

  • Leslie, Thank you for the tip, it is working really well. You are right about ading your food before, gives me something to aim for! Loving it so far, but guess I will see if it is working when I weight myself on Saturday! Vic xx
  • I love the Wii Fit, we played for hours Sunday...Monday morning my bum & legs were aching. My goal is to use the Wii Fit twice a week fo 30 minutes (about 126 calories, based on my last workout), I am going to the gym three times a week so I don't want to over do it! Good luck to everyone who is doing it! I'll up in a week…
  • Loving all the suggestions, thank you! Gong food shopping today so I am going to buy a few things and try them out and see what I am hapy with! Vic xx
  • Hello All, I joined the site yesterday and am going to crack my Wii fit out today and do some exercise! Any sugguestions of what is most enjoyable? I got he Wii Fit for Christmas but haven't hada chance to play yet as I have been away. Vic xx
  • My motivation is to be able to back to costume is a corset and hot pants! I want to feel good when I wear them! I love the idea about throwing larger clothes away when you lose weight, its a great idea and means you can't slip back into your old ways! I love the pic of the bikini...very hot! Can I be cheeky…
  • I think it is all about the calories. I am alreay over on my sugar with an apple and a banana! Vic xx
  • Hi Amber, I'm new as well. My friend told me about this site at lunch today and I am already hooked. Got to say that I am shocked at my diet...I thought i was eating really healthy, but i am over my points. What made you join? I just wanted to fel happier in myself, also holding a bit of xmas weight! Hope you enjoy the…
  • Hi Amber, I'm new as well. My friend told me about this site at lunch today and I am already hooked. Got to say that I am shocked at my diet...I thought i was eating really healthy, but i am over my points. What made you join? I just wanted to fel happier in myself, also holding a bit of xmas weight! Hope you enjoy the…