

  • It makes her upset and tells me that everything he's saying is not true and reassures me that I look fine and beautiful. He usually says that when my moms not around so Im not sure if she has said anything to him or not.
  • 5"4 is my hieght and yeah I totally agree with you on that one! & I'm not trying to be model skinny I'm just trying to expand my life years and live as happy and healthy as I can. I want to also build muscle which is why I'm taking a bunch of protien and working out!!!
  • I'm 18 years old, I wiegh 118-120 pounds. I use to wiegh around 150 pounds before but my wieght loss also resulted from exercising and clean eating. I cut out all junk food and "empty calories" I once use to eat EVERY single day. And yes I have 4 brother, 3 older ones and 1 younger one. What bugs me the most is that my…
  • I don't plan on loosing wieght, I just use this app to track my macros and Vitimans especially my protien and iron intake. I also use it as a way to maintain my current wieght which is 118-120. At 5"4, 120 is the ideal wieght so I plan to stay around this wieght. On the other hand he thinks that 120 is too low and that I…
  • That's not even me in the picture!!! Not saying that I have muscle or anything but Im a little more heavier then the girl in the pic. I only used that pic because I really love the shirt and its from PETA hahaha
  • I spoke with my school counseler and nurse and this is the only solution that we could think of. I'm gonna speak to my mom about it and ask her to make an appointment.
  • No I have never judged him or implied that I think of him differently because I don't think that way! I understand that some people choose to eat meat and others don't. That's what is so frustrating :(
  • My father and his side of the family would never agree to watch a film. I think I'm just going to work hard and hopefully move out soon. And thanks!!! Could you friend me and send me some recipes? :-)
  • Yes I know they're afraid but they have nothing to be concerned about. I'm 5"4 wiefhing in at 118-120 pounds and I'm 18 years old.
  • That's the thing, He considers me eating healthy and not eating meat some sort of treatment. Which obviously it's not but I just don't know how to get him to understand.
  • Yes but I am 18
  • Okay so everyone on here is telling me that 1,800 calories on track days is too low (for maintaining). So how many calories should I be eating then??? 2,000? We do track from 2:30-4:30 Monday's through Friday's. I've been eating 1,800 calories on the days I have been doing track and 1,600 on the days I don't but my wieght…
  • Sorry for the late reply everyone but wow! Track is only 2 days in and I feel absolutely sore but great at the same time. My only problem is now that I have to eat an extra 200 calories I sometimes find it difficult. I have been just eating an extra banana, some Cheerios and other fruits & nuts. By the end of the night I…
  • Hey, frozen is a good movie!!! But I will watch the movie and get back to you on whether I learnes something or not. Thanks :-)
  • I'm very sorry!!! I was just confused. Thanks for all your help :-)
  • I just want to know whether doing track four times a week would make me loghtly active or active.
  • What are you talking about??? I'm very confused!!!
  • What? Why are you calling me a witch? I'm very confused
  • I am 18 right now I turn 19 in July. I'm eating around 1,600 calories a day when I do no exercise (sedentary). I'm just confused on whether adding a sport like track would move me up to lightly active or to active.