HeatherZousel Member


  • Your level of aggression on this topic is interesting. I have responded with some of the sources of my information, though granted, a tiny fraction. You, on the other hand, have just spouted your opinion. You are a fabulous example of why I don't get my fitness and nutrition information from these message boards. Enjoy the…
  • FYI. I have a Masters degree in Forensic Psychology. I am quite comfortable doing research. Perhaps you could attempt to lower the degree of condescension. Not agreeing with you doesn't make me wrong or my opinions invalid. If you look to previous posts I simply said the theory is flawed. The human body is very complex and…
  • Www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3641567 Www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/06/060619133024.htm
  • A University of Florida study found that people who consume more antioxidants maintain lower BMIs, smaller waistlines, and lower body-fat percentages than those with lower intakes, even though both groups consumed about the same number of daily calories–a strong indication that the nutrients calories are bundled with play…
  • You amuse me. Read something outside you comfort zone.
  • I said I DON'T have a degree in nutrition. Not that I do. I haven't read all the science out there on nutrition ut I have read alot. Obviously, if your muscles glycogen storage is full then it is full regardless of the source, but there is a much lower glycogen conversation in sweet potato s snickers and the sweet potato…
  • Calories in calories out is a flawed theory that I don't necessarily subsribe to. Ready? Set? Flame! I've done plenty of research and I am sure there are lots of folks here that will come out now and say "well I lost by burning more than I ate," I am sure you did. There are lots of people it doesn't work for. And...go
  • Sciency. Good word. No it doesn't go through you, but unless you just ran a marathon and your muscles are empty of glycogen it will store as fat. Don't worry. I won't be pulling that snickers away from you. I will undoubtedly eat one now and then. I just won't try to convince myself that I am doing something good for my…
  • Enlighten me
  • I don't look at my life in absolutes like that anymore. I used to. But then I didn't have a real healthy relationship with food. Nor does your body have a clock that resets at midnight. If I eat a kale salad, then 4 hours later I eat a Snickers bar, that does not eliminate the healthy effects of the kale. The kale was…
  • Really? When did we start talking about eating an all fruit diet? I missed that part.
  • :wink: Yes, if by eating the fruit instead of the black beans, you were therefore not getting the nutrients you needed from the beans. We are designed to have a widely varied diet. Am I saying that you can't have a Snickers and be healthy? No. But I am saying that the Snickers is not contributing to your health. Even if I…
  • Nope. Never said it would. My point is that there is a lot more to nutritional health than macros. You know like vitamins, mineral, antioxidants. When you are eating in calorie restriction and trying to meet the nutritional needsof your body, youare better served by eating fruit than snickers . If you deny fruit is better…
  • I think OP is right here. When you are restricting calories you should try to eat things that will benefit your body. If you are eating fruit you are clearly benefiting your body far more than a snickers would. What is weightloss without health.
  • My journey started with Food, inc. Learning about what happens in the food industry made me want to limit my participation to farms I can visit and see how the animals are raised and organic produce (local when possible) I want to know what is in my food and where it came from. Welcome!
  • For a kick grab and go-boiled eggs. Otherwise, homemade soups, favorite currently West African Peanut Soup. No one in my family eats dinner at the same time so I make a couple big pots of soup a week and it feeds all of us without having to figure out who will be eating dinner with us and who won't.
  • I have tried using stevia but I can't get past the bitter after taste. I just use sugar and count it as an indulgence. I have heard of people using honey, and I have tried using blackstrap molasses. That may be worth another try since molasses has so much potassium. At least I could feel good about what it is giving me…
  • Anything by Shaun T, Rockin Body, Hip Hop Abs, Dance Party. Not a Beachbody coach, just love Shaun T.
  • Not Significant amounts. Salmon tend to be very young when they are caught. 2 or 3 years max. The fish you need to be concerned about for mercury are the large old fish like swordfish, shark, many kinds of tuna. They live a lot longer and tend to be much older when they are caught, resulting in the high mercury content
  • I would ask if the Salmon is Farmed or wild. If wild I would go with the Salmon since the steak is probably from a feedlot and full of antibiotics and hormones. If the fish is farmed go with the steak. They put pink coloring in farmed salmon (in addition to antibiotics) that is carcinogenic.
  • ^^^ this. I am just starting the 3rd book of the "Until the End of the World" series.
  • I tried eating my calories back but didn't lose any weight for about a month, so I cut back and now I don't eat them back. My workouts haven't suffered and my energy level is good so, for now, I will stick to just eating my base calories. You basically just have to see what your body is going to do. Make sure you give…
  • I brown 2 lbs of grassfed hamburger with taco seasoning then put it on salad all week for taco salads for lunch. Also boiled eggs. Lots of boiled eggs
  • I always always always gain as much as 5 lbs during menstruation and it lasts a couple days after. My guess would be water weight. Don't freak until after your period is over.
  • If you are not gluten free my favorite protein is seitan. There are some great recipes you can make yourselg (buying seitan is expensive). I prefer the baked, not boiled recipes. Seitan is made of wheat gluten though, so won't work if you avoid gluten
  • Why did you hate T25? Just curious
  • I had the Challenge. I was dreading this workout but it wasn't too bad. Towards the end of the workout I was at failure on pushups, the pull ups were a struggle throughout, but I expected that. The Warrior next...
  • I cook a batch of each black beans and rice every couple of weeks, then take a bunch of pint jars and put in 1/3 beans and 1/3 cup rice put the lid on and freeze it. Every day for lunch I take a jar and microwave it (without the lid obviously) and add chopped tomatoes, avacado, black olive (just a few), plain greek yogurt,…