keflexxxx Member


  • just joined a gym where these sorta people are refused membership. should be good.
  • a strain is not a hernia. you're letting your fears get the best of you.
  • and some people get nausea when then have vitamin c
  • unless you're deadlifting upwards of 585lbs i wouldn't really be worried about a hernia
  • spot reduction doesn't exist; you can't pick & choose where you're going to lose fat. go on a diet and do squats, and in a few months things will look a lot better.
  • it's not inevitable, but it does happen. leptin levels drop when you're in caloric deficit for an extended period of time, and this downregulation slows your BMR. just how significant that effect is, and how long it takes to happen will vary from person-to-person. scheduled refeed days can help to overcome this issue.
  • some thoughts - it seems like you didn't love cardio at first, but eventually found yourself loving it after doing it for some time. the same could very possibly happen with strength training; it did for myself, and it has for lots of other people. it also may not, but it's something to keep in mind. - have you considered…
  • awesome, well done. an easy way to work on mobility is just to practice squatting unweighted. craig weller wrote a great article on this called the third-world squat, recommended reading:
  • i can get a whole-body workout in doing nothing but clean & press, but that requires me to be pretty damn good at the movement.
  • just doing ab workouts in isolation won't really do much for you, and let's face it someone with really well-developed abdominals and lackluster everything else is going to look a bit silly ab training is fine, but within the context of a complete program
  • exercise you enjoy > exercise you don't enjoy this is more important that what burns more calories, or what increases muscle growth, or anything else. the best exercise you can do is exercise you want to do and will keep doing; there's no point having an "optimal" plan in place if you hate doing it. you'll probably give up…
  • i'm sure it can be done, but i wouldn't do it without working up to it, e.g. starting out by wearing it around the house, then for a walk, then a jog, etc.
  • a few thoughts: - stop agonising over the number, and focus on how you look. 145 was an arbitrary goal that you set for yourself based on nothing; you would have had no real idea what you were going to look like at 145 when you started out, so why does it matter? so many people focus on the number and then when they get…
  • JNick77 has some great advice, and it's effectively what i would suggest as well. if you don't have bands or don't feel like buy them however, the principle of high-rep work still holds true. bloodflow through tendons only tends to occur during movement, so putting those affected tendons through a lot of movement pushes a…
  • not particularly relevant to OP's queries (which have been answered quite well) but worth remembering that 1RM calculators are basically just a bunch of guesswork, and they generally aren't very accurate. this is due to the fact that they can't account for training specificity particularly well. earlier this year i spent…
  • how to eat healthy for dummies - eat more "whole foods". i'm going to go ahead and define "whole foods" as something that looks like what it's made of. here are some examples: instead of fruit juice, eat fruit instead of cereal, eat oatmeal instead of chicken nuggets, eat chicken - eat less carbs and more protein. whenever…
  • - cooking oil (i use either a spray or coconut oil so this doesn't concern me) - gum - until very recently, fish oil - sugar-free soft drinks basically if something is very marginal i don't log it; not worth my time and it's not going to make an appreciable difference
  • probably the best advice you could get. the main reason people become overweight isn't overeating; that's just a symptom as far as i'm concerned. people become overweight because they have so little happiness in their lives that food BECOMES their happiness, and they associate eating with feeling a certain way. eventually…
  • sugar is a sub-classification of carbohydrates, the overarching macronutrient category. that's why there's two targets; all sugars are carbs but not all carbs are sugars.
  • after a prolonged period of caloric deficit, leptin levels in the body begin to drop. that's often the cause of stalling when losing weight. now many people use that as justification to eat even less, or do more cardio or w/e and that's not going to solve the problem; it'll just drive cortisol levels up. what DOES solve…
  • stronglifts is a fine beginner program but take pretty much anything mehdi tells you with a grain of salt.
  • your job isn't making you heavy, you're letting your job make you heavy. i've worked in call centres, in call centre management and now in IT; basically a whole lot of office jobs. it hasn't stopped me from improving my body composition & athletic performance, and if you find these things going downhill it's because you…
  • how to eat healthy for dummies - eat more "whole foods". i'm going to go ahead and define "whole foods" as something that looks like what it's made of. here are some examples: instead of fruit juice, eat fruit instead of cereal, eat oatmeal instead of chicken nuggets, eat chicken - eat less carbs and more protein. whenever…