

  • My oldest daughter was sick for years from an intolerance. She had a biopsy and she does not have celiac and her doctor never even recommended she avoid gluten because she could still be intolerant. She ended up with anemia. When we figured it out on our own her life completely changed. I bake her breads and cookies and…
  • Thanx for all the encouragement and re-enforcement!
  • Ha ha! So true. Let's target our neck fat!
  • I hate crunches because my form is perfect and yet my neck and back do NOT like them. I've tried planks. What would you say are good core exercises? If you don't mind me asking.
  • That's what I've always been told. I just wonder where this muffin top came from and how to get rid of it. I really didn't have one even when I was overweight after having kids like I do now. oh, well. I'll keep at the overall big picture. Thanx
  • I agree with Gillian here. I have been on and off mfp and I find that anytime I post something the comments are all over the place. I keep reading how supportive everyone is on mfp but I've found rude and mean people as well. I am only 49 but I have no where to go on this site that isn't full of young people who can…
  • OMG! The title is ANYONE JUICING? Is it too much to ask that you're not mean?! What do steroids, skittle, or crystal meth have to do with the topic I wanted to discuss?!?!?! Really?
  • Juicing is hardly a fad and it's not hard to do. Your getting FRUITS AND VEGETABLES in your diet. How could that possibly compare to diet soda. Ok but the point is that if you can't say something nice maybe you should post somewhere else. Obviously if you don't want to juice you don't. And if you've had success, then…
  • Bump with a stupid question. Do the chick peas give you gas? I have trouble with beans. oh, and use stevia it's natural.
  • I have to say I agree. Why is Disney involved in something like this anyway? Technology sure. Cartoons, fun, games, rides, shows, sure. But social issues? Health issues? What the heck. Do what you are good at and leave the rest to someone else. I'm just thinking how awful an overweight child feels already about how they…
  • Still looking for people who are or have juiced to share their experiences with me. I'm losing weight. I actually feel lighter. I know I am getting a fantastic concentration of micro-nutrients. I have a protein shake once of twice a day and I'm drinking myself to the best health and weight I can be. Anyone else?
  • How is it going Deb. The changes you mentioned are awesome. I recently watcher the netflix documentary entitled "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." Now I am juicing and feeling better and losing!
  • I love reading about all of your grandchildren and I pray for us all to get the weight off and feel better for these little wonders. My Easton is 3 months old now and I couldn't love him more. I am trying to exercise regularly and while I enjoy it and I'm sure it's making me feel a lot better I am not losing anything. I…
  • Welcome Jenn! This really is a great site and I hope you find the success and friends you are looking for. My baby is 14 but I have a grandson who is 6 weeks old! That baby will keep you busy for sure! Feel free to add me to your friends list. I hope to be an encouragement because I loved your topic line "I REALLY hate…
  • Spent the day with my Easton. 5 weeks old and the most amazing creature. His mother and I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! Weekends are harder to workout but this coming week I want to be diligent! Welcome to my fellow Grandma's!
  • I was just reading about the Alpha Lipoic Acid and I will look into it. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I am feeling symptoms in my legs as well and it's getting a bit scary so I do need a new appointment with my doctor. I am not diabetic of even close. I have no family history for it either. They have no idea why…
  • mwm53 has great advice. as far as weight training and cardio go you need both. weight training will continue to burn calories when the work out is over cardio won't but cardio is great for your heart and your energy. They both burn calories but weight training will tone as well. if your cardio is brief make sure you are…
  • wow. I am so confused at this question. almost 7 thousand calories? no one can eat almost 7,000 calories a day! what did you really mean?
  • Well I guess I don't know what I'm expecting, I don't know what it's "supposed" to be. I don't usually pay any attention to that number so yeah maybe I'll go online and search what the "experts" say :happy: There are just so many brainiacs right here on mfp I thought someone would whip out a formula or give me a goal…
  • I will smack you after I get up off the floor from smacking myself. Tomorrow I am beginning again. I have seen way too many red numbers on my food journal lately and I've lost some momentum for working out. But I refuse to give it all up. I can't just throw it ALL away. There is a thin, fit, healthy woman inside me…
  • Gotta Bump this. I am amazed!!!!
  • And if you talk to any men who are losing it's even MORE frustrating. They drop 2-3 x what we women do without half the effort! I'm stuck at having lost 7 pounds (9 actually with 2 before mfp) and I'm just not budging anymore even though I have more to go. I am just trying to stick with healthier eating, exercise and good…
  • Welcome!! I love MFP and you will too. Just keep checking in. If you forget or get discouraged don't drop off all together just jump back in and log in again even if you've missed days. The people on here are just encouraging and wonderful. One thing you might want to do is get a physical with some blood work. Have your…
  • We are in the presence of greatness people!! What an amazing feat. I hope you did it for you and you feel great too. You look like another person. What an inspiration!
  • We need comeback friends! I love to think of things to answers these crazy people "before" they say their rude things. Obviously some of them just blindside us and those are not as easy to answer because of the shock but if we could be armed ahead of time...:wink: When are you due? "Today in fact. I think I just felt a…
  • People who feel good always say age is just a number but I DO FEEL OLD. I feel much better doing my strength training and I was feeling great too with the aerobics but now that the weather is warming up I am much happier to be outside doing lawn work, gardening, walking, anything vs. being inside in front of a dvd. I wish…
  • Welcome Ladybug! This is the place to get motivated and to be accountable to yourself and others and to be successful. Mandamama's right about the before and after photos of others and the success stories. The complete strangers you will meet who care enough to take the time to encourage you is amazing!! You CAN do this.…
  • Just for Today! I will make Just for Today my motto but just for today :laugh: