NittyGrittyBritty Member


  • Ah yes, dietary studies on rats being extrapolated to humans. I love rats. In fact, as I type this I am waiting for an experiment to finish so I can take my own rats back to their homes, feed them, and go home myself. Rats do not make a good animal model for human dietary research. One of the reasons nutrition research is…
  • I would greatly appreciate someone linking me to a paper about how protein intake leads to fat storage. I have not been able to find one. Yes, protein causes insulin secretion but how the insulin affects movement of nutrients is going to depend on the nutrients present. Also, the general high carb diet sits at 60% carbs if…
  • I'd like to add something. If someone is taking a hard look at their lifestyle and making changes for the better and having success by following a low fat diet I fully support that! I just think that if someone is struggling to adhere to the conventional recommendations, there is evidence to support the benefits of taking…
  • I am assuming this is directed at me? Taubes recommends a high fat, low carb diet to combat diabetes and obesity and he discusses other factors such as why this is not going to increase risks of cardiovascular disease, the main argument often put against high fat diets. Here is what I said before, in response to the…
  • Hi, I shared this exact paper on this thread a few pages back and if you look you will see my response to someone else who said that this meta analysis does not support a high fat diet. If you actually know enough about the literature and LOOK AT THE DATA in light of more recent advances in classifying LDL, you will see…
  • You said that what you eat does not effect what you burn, I'm sorry if I misunderstood you. I scored well above average on the reading comprehension section of the MCAT so perhaps it's your writing that's hard to comprehend.
  • Yes, the study was cautious in going against the current national dietary recommendations however, they looked at weight loss, blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL, HLD, and triglyceride levels. Of these 6 measures of cardiovascular health, 4 improved on a high fat diet (weight, blood pressure, HLD, triglycerides). As…
  • I am not sure why you think that is not true. If you don't need hints about metabolism you should know that it is process requiring energy. Glycolysis alone requires 8 APT I believe? More glucose intake = more glucose to break down = more ATP required. If you actually find something I said incorrect I would appreciate an…
  • Could you please elaborate?
  • I'm curious, are you suggesting the thermic effect of food does not exist? Hint: it exists, and it increases when you eat more. Also, when you reduce food intake substantially you will have less energy. This may not be the case for someone who is overweight because they chronically overeat, but that is not why everyone is…
  • I have access finally! Here are some citations. I'm sorry the Great Fat Debate papers don't show an abstract and but if you are a university student (or know one) you should be able to get access through the school's online library.…
  • Yes, the new Swedish recommendation suggests lowering carbs, with lower carb intake associated with greater health benefits. I have a few articles that I will post links to once my school gets its online library access up and running again (It seems they are updating the website over the winter break). And although I…
  • I'm familiar with some of Taube's writing, well versed in research, and am working on a masters degree in physiology. I actually find most of Taubes' work to be based on very legitimate science, although, as with anything in science, you will be able to find a source that disagrees if you look hard enough. And as much as I…
  • Almond butter = delish but it separates out to a point that I can't even stir it back! As for being better than peanut butter it depends. Both are good fats but its easier to find a more 'pure' almond butter. Read ingredient lists to make sure there is no extra garbage in your PB. But to answer your question, if you know…
  • @Jessiebug I totally agree - i worked at an Extreme Pita and it's the same. At least you can look at the spinach and tomatoes etc. and know if it is fresh or not as it begins to turn after a few days. I couldn't understand how other staff could eat the ham, that *kitten* is nasty when you open the bag.
  • Usana Nutrition bar!! I have only tried the Chocolate fusion but i think there are other non-chocolate options. Here is the nutrition info: 150 cal 4.5 g fat 5 mg cholesterol 120 mg sodium (yay!) 20 g total carbs (not much lower but its better) 3 g fibre 15 g sugar 12 g protein 4% RDI calcium 15% RDI iron
  • if you are using a smart phone for MFP app there are other apps with nutrition info. Subway is good but some pack tonnes of kcals Over 700 kcal/footlong: BLT Cold Cut Combo Italian BMT Steak and Cheese Subway Melt Over 1000 kcal/footlong: Big Philly Cheesesteak Chicken Bacon Ranch Meatball Marinara Spicy Italian Tuna…
  • Buy the Skinny B*tch Ultimate Cookbook. I love it and use it all the time! While there is some 'weird' stuff that you might not normally buy like Agave Nectar, miso and Seitan, all the weirdness is explained and lots of it is more nutritious and flavourful than the traditional North American food. Here is the recipe for…
  • Do Pilates or ballet-esque squats! Put your heels together and toes out in a V shape and bend your knees outward while keeping your tail bone tucked under, no sticking your butt out like a regular squat, just stay upright. I believe this is called a Plie --> Pleee-ay, excuse my French. (I am not a dancer!) Look in a mirror…
  • Its fun!! But you have to go regularly and learn the steps, I find I don't get much of a workout compared to something simple like a spin class. What's important though is you enjoy it because that is what will motivate you to keep going, and once you know the moves its a great workout that engages your whole body!!
  • Avoid simple carbs! Especially anything containing high-fructose corn syrup (virtually impossible as its in everything but try your best!) and complex carbs really do make you feel full longer. Gunnerpalm is right on about the ratios and timing as well, but if you want to follow your doctors advice then try something like…
  • I see lots of pregnant women in spin class. The position of the bike makes you lean forward and engage your core throughout the entire workout. It is also very easy to maintain an intensity that you feel comfortable with, and there is no risk of a wipe out. But talk to your doc for sure! I have also heard that it is not a…
  • Is one slice of cake per day considered moderation? No, neither is one can of diet pop per day. If you want to drink aspartame, it should really be moderated because it is terrible for you and it doesn't belong in food.
  • I add egg white to my smoothies!!! It adds some protein and gets frothy in the blender! Most prepackaged egg whites are pasteurized and perfectly safe to drink, just make sure to read the labels and double check! Then some frozen fruit, yogurt and juice/milk/water all in the blender!!
  • Carbs are the preferred (and in some cases, the ONLY) nutrient for the brain and nervous systems. Your nerves depend on glucose to function and carbs = lots of glucose. Not receiving adequate carbs has been linked to poor memory and poor attention and otherwise poor performance on cognitive tests. So please try to keep…
  • I dug out my nutrition notes, and here is what I was told from my professor (who has a Ph.D in these matters) ---> Recommendations for Protein Intake • AMDR: 10 - 35% total energy intake ---> This is the percentage of total kcal that should be protein. For comparison, Fats should be 20 - 35% and Carbs should be 40 - 65% •…