shawtsy Member


  • You just are going to have to be strong on your own. My husband is a stick, but definitely not in shape. He eats relatively healthy, and does work around the house, but otherwise, does nothing. He claims he walks at work quite a bit because he has to walk from lab building to lab building. But, he complains of tight…
  • Honestly, I think most people aren't satisfied by any low cal alternative. Some are, but most feel like they are being cheated and eat more in the long run. I couldn't just eat a frozen banana, but one dipped in a small amount of chocolate, yes. I also think if you go from eating mostly junk to all healthy, it can backfire…
  • The closer you are to your ideal weight, the longer it takes. In general, if you are within 15-25 lbs of that weight, it will be much harder than someone who is 50 or 75 lbs heavier. My ideal range is between 145 and 155, which my 150 my general happy weight. I started out at 179lb (post-pregnancy), and the first 10-15 lbs…
  • I have a 17 month old, and before I could just work it off, too. It wasn't until I starting tracking my eating when she was 13 months did I finally lose my baby weight. I also had to kick up my workouts, which I do during her naps. Definitely requires me to efficient with my time! I also recommend getting a good…
  • I have a 16 month old as well and I do everything at home or outside as a gym is out of the question for me. I know the hassle of trying to fit one in :) Is it possible to do an exercise DVD during her nap (on the weekends) or after bed. It doesn't have to be pounding/jumping if you live in an apartment. You can do pilates…
  • I am just under 5'6 and 165 right now. I am pretty much a solid 12 (sometimes a 14). My goal is 150. I am finally working at losing all the baby weight and weight that I had put on during the stressful year that I have had with my LO. Anyways, the 150 puts me at an 8/10 depending on the brand. 160 would be a 10/12 for me.…
  • If you set it on the hard setting, you get a pretty good work out. I sweated, and I lost about 5 lbs. However, my body changed as they do a bunch of squats and plyometrics. So, I got leaner and more toned than anything. There are drawbacks to the program in terms of it not always registering movements, having breaks…
  • Well, even if it isn't texture, the purees would be easier to blend into foods you do like until you get used to them. Spinach in brownies. Spinach and apples smoothies. Squash in mac and cheese. Luckily, there is a big benefit to not liking condiments! :laugh: That is one battle a lot of people have trouble with. Good…
  • If you have a texture problem, etc. you could try pureeing the foods. Have you ever though about getting a babyfood blender? They sell for maybe $40-60 maybe. It would take out all detectable chucks of anything you didn't like. Maybe even bought babyfood that isn't canned. Food processors and blenders do a great job, but…
  • So, I think the journal aspect of this site really helps. It also helps that they have so many things for me to use for calorie counts. I don't have to try find one item that somewhat resembles what I ate.
  • I have actually lost a lot of weight before, but now having had a baby, it isn't nearly as easy. I now understand why people just eat the easiest thing you can get your hands on or just emotionally eat. I never had to worry about time or how my baby crying affects me. So, I am trying to work on that. The exercise has been…
  • Thanks! I will add you guys :)
  • You are right. It was incorrect spelling :). But then again, I have been up since 4:30 due to a crying baby. While I do hold two degrees in science, I do manage to make grammatical mistakes every so often. I do this despite doing a quick reread. If you feel the need to comment on one's grammar then you have too much time…