PMTpower Member


  • You replace your carbs with vegetables and fruits - seeds, nuts, and meat compromise a small amount of carbs but mostly fat and protein. I didn't do paleo or a grain free diet to lose weight - I know I can achieve weight loss by not doing a grain free diet. I do it because it makes me feel good... It reduced my migraines,…
  • Hello there! Had a baby 5 months ago and grain free dairy free now for close to 2 months... Hope I did it sooner... My energy level is up and I am fitting into my clothes prepregnancy.
  • Try doing a fast. I do ADF (alternate day fasting) you can google it, it might kickstart your weight loss if you find yourself in a plateau.
  • Nice job guys! So something quick since going Paleolithic? Have you notice your cholesterol levels go up rather than down? Reason I ask is because I'm getting my physical soon and my insurance rewards me if I have a good lipid profile. Just want to make sure this "diet" will not change my good lipid levels pre pregnancy
  • I also intermittently fast for about 24-36 hours a week. That's should kickstart your weight loss
  • I really suggest trying to build more muscle.... So classes that elevate your core strength like TRX, barre and power yoga.... That way muscle = more metabolic tissue. Also I have significantly decrease my grain and dairy intake. So I feast on all the veggies I want and eat a moderate amount of meat.... And use nut dairy…
  • first off, you have to really record what goes in your mouth and out. get a food scale even to make sure. second, do not eat too few calories... you should at least have 1200-1300 calories per day... or else you will gain. third, hold the grains and the starchy carbohydrates, concentrate on fruits, vegetables (this is…
  • I weight myself everyday so that I know that if I go up two pounds, I better not start loading up on carbs... hehehe
  • Hi, I myself am a physician. I've told myself that there is absolutely no way that a shot with a VLCD can achieve the kind of weight loss they are supposedly marketing - svam is what I thought. I started my weight loss yo-yo since I was 12 years old. There have been major ups and downs but I would say a healthy weight for…
    in HCG Comment by PMTpower April 2011
  • Hi charlotte, I am not a grad student anymore but I was about 4 years ago (medical school) and then residency for the past 3 years.. I am now an internist. It's hard putting time working out with such a busy schedule but to tell you the truth.. it was what kept me going actually. It gave me the energy to push through…