

  • Just clicking around. Lost 13, gained 3, have a wedding in Jan - wanted to loose at least 20 - was 7 away and then vaction hit. I am struggling to stay motivated. Feel like it is always uphill as I watch others eat. I am 59 and my metabolism is just not like it used to be. Lifting light weights in the morning before work…
  • This sounds good. I love crunchy stuff..satisfys..I am discouraged until I see how well you all are doing on this message board. I have lost only 13 pounds - since Jaunuary. I am not trying hard enough. I need to do better. :
  • I get up each mornng at 5:30 and do some strength training - small weights - 5 pounders and do 4 reps of 15 t0 18 count - tris, and bi's and shoulders, and sometimes back...on the other day I do 4 sets of 18 for my legs from and back. This seems to have changed my body shape - and burn more calories sitting down. It also…
  • Starting to get discouraged as people try to tell me "oh, it's Ok if you eat this or that, it's Friday"...also not in my routine of the weekend makes me go over my calories ...I cannot do it on 1200 calories a day without exercising and NOW the time will change and there will be more day light. I hope I use that time to…
  • Wow! This is an inspiration since I am trying to get into a size 12 down from 14 but a size 10 would be a dream..Congratulations. You look great. I lift weights in the early morning before work but only a few target exercises.
  • I always try to finish the day with some extra calories left in case I have made a mistake in my food journal. I think you are ok with the sugar. I have a question about strength training. When I put my information in, there is no place that tells me if I have gained any extra calories to use for the day. Another words, I…
  • :flowerforyou: Good to know there is support out there. It takes so long to loose.
  • I know how you feel. I did WWatcher way back in my 40's and had a hard time. I stuck with it complaining that I simply could not eat any less etc or walk any more. Suprisingly, the weight finally came off once I changed my sed rate. That is what you are doing - keep trying. I was loosing like a pound a month...but at least…
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