

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon to all! A little more snow here today, and a little overnight as well, but it is over 35 degrees F outside and the snow is melting off the trees, streets and sidewalks quickly.

    Had a great diet and exercise day to make up for my (ahem) indiscretions of Thursday night. Just in time to try to behave myself tonight as WE are having friends over and going out to dinner again tonight. I have a cup of black bean soup and a fish taco in mind, so I shouldn't be too bad. Have baby carrots and fat free T. Marzetti's ranch veggie dip for predinner snackies which should help reduce appetite for dinner, as well.

    Welcome Karen (texemgirl) -- you are right about eating too little not being good for dieting. We all have seen our little MFP message about putting our bodies into starvation mode because our bodies then want to store EVERYTHING you eat as fat. I have read that you may actually gain a little weight to begin with once you up your calorie intake to a healthy reducing level, but once your body adjusts you will again start losing and be much healthier for the added calories. And that after all really is the point in trying to lose our excess weight...better health!!:drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!:happy:

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • anotheryrolder
    I'm way new here and glad to find this group. Mind if I join in? :flowerforyou:

    I think this is gonna work for me! I needed a place I could keep a log of food intake without the hassle of searching for how many calories in everything. I REALLY like how you can enter meals and easily see the total calories and calories per portion.

    Gotta think positive - scratch the think part - this IS going to work
  • anotheryrolder
    Oh, and btw my name is Faye and I am another year older - 60.
  • arborsong
    N. Wales friend - I did quiz my daughter-in-law (she was in classes with my son before they were married but they both were in the group studying in Wales). Anyway, she said the group went to Bodnant Gardens and that it was in her top 3 favorite gardens EVER. They traveled the US, England, France and Scotland touring gardens so for Wales to make the top 3, I was impressed! You must have a gorgeous country to live in!!!
  • Texemgirl
    Hi, Everyone! :smile:

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I agree ... this site is very uplifting and encouraging.

    My current calorie goal is 1,200 calories. So far, I haven't been able to reach 1,000 calories. I have to admit that I even cheated trying to reach 1,200 calories. I put down on my food diary that I had 2 slices of Pizza Hut's Supreme large thin crust pizza without sauce. Well, I did have 2 slices, but they were 2 very skinny slices (the size of 1 normal slice) and I took off all the pepperoni and sausage (I don't care for them ... besides, they have too much salt). Even with cheating, I still didn't make 1,000 calories. BTW, my BMR is 1,480 ... another site says it's 1,540.

    My real problem is that I've lost my appetite ... I always feel full so I forget to eat. I'm actually very concerned about this because this is definitely not normal for me. Yesterday I went 8 hours before I remembered I hadn't eaten dinner. I've heard of this happening to people who are depressed, but I'm definitely not depressed. I'm going to the doctor on 2/16, and I'm going to tell him about it. Maybe there is something he can do to enhance my hunger.

    Today I'm trying a different plan of attack ... I'm setting an alarm to go off every two hours and I will try to eat something each time. I've already filled out my food diary with all the food I'm going to eat (which is a lot for me), and I'm still under 1,000 calories. :sad:

    Do any of you have any suggestions of how I can increase my calories? I need to be extremely careful of salty foods, too much gluten and I can only eat beef on rare occasions ... most anything else is a go. I know this is a LOT to ask, but I'm almost frantic at this point ... I feel like my health is as risk. I sincerely appreciate any and all suggestions. :heart:

    I've been reading all the posts on this site. You are all doing just an amazing job! :drinker: I love everyone's optimism, and I'm looking forward to being part of this group! :happy:

    Karen :flowerforyou:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I have issues getting to my caloric goal too... I used to basically starve myself to loose weight only to not lose prior to joining here - I've learned so much. Now I make out my plan for the day and try to hit as close as possible on paper (or computer... LOL)... and like you - I started setting a timer to eat... I'm doing well (or better) at it these days. I print out my 1st page of my diary so I can hang it on the refrigerator then mark it off as I eat it or modify it (I've had to substitute things because I was out) and then go in and change it on the computer. I believe it will get easier but I have issues taking in too much salt, fat and sugars... but I'm trying. :flowerforyou:

    You'll do well... Good Luck on Your Journey!!:bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Going to `the Keg` for dinner tonight for DH 60th birthday! A treat from our daughter and her husband. I`ll have steak and vegetables. Yum. Already decided. :bigsmile: I`ll be the designated driver. DH thinks he is going for Chinese buffet. Can`t wait to see the surprise on his face.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi Karen,

    My Mother lost her appetitie and the dr gave her a tonic to take. My sister and I refer to it as "Vitametavegamin" You know from the old I Love Lucy episodes. Mom still has some in the refrigerator and I will ask my daughter who lives with her what the exact name of it is. she is coming over here tomorrow so I will have to get back to you. I know some of us just wish we had your problem but from Mom's experience I know it really isn't any fun. We still have to see to it that she is eating enough.

    I'm under my calories this evening but I'm just going to let it ride since I didn't really measure my dinner, Just eyeballed it tonight.

    My husband and I were looking at old pictures on the computer this evening and I can tell a big difference from the old pics. I'm down 20 lbs from my highest weight and I'm never wanting to go back there.

    Renny have fun celebrating. Steak, yummy my favorite!

  • Rumph1
    :flowerforyou: Good to know there is support out there. It takes so long to loose.
  • riowife
    Hi, I just started my new way of eating today and found this website... yeah..... Did great on my foods today, stayed on track. I am 57 and my goal is to lose 40 pounds.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    When my dad first had his stroke he stopped eating and he got down to 114 pounds from 145. The doctors gave him this stuff called Remeron and once it kicked in he started eating again. I must admit to get his calories up we gave him ice cream and chocolate shakes everyday. My dad can always eat chocolate ice cream even when he is not hungry.

    Yellow snow - I just loved all the remarks about it but it brings back a story..................which due to the number of dog lovers I can tell here.

    Many years ago a friend and I decided to make hand decorated snowman Christmas cookies for all of our gifts that year. We are both quite the bakers, single with no life at the time and therefore plenty of time to bake all weekend and all night. Around 2:30AM when we still had about 6 dozen snowman left to decorate we got punchy and started putting lemon frosting on them (like a dog peed on them) for our dog loving friends. One of my co-workers at the time got a dozen at work and word spread. Everyone just loved them and the next several years starting around November we'd get requests to get more of the special snowman cookies for gifts. My boss (young guy) was highly insulted that his snowmen were not peed on. lol He looked so sad and said "I'm a dog lover too you know." After that he always got the special ones. lol We became quite infamous for what had started out as a joke. I was even asked to make them for a potluck. lol But, yes beward of yellow snow.

    Welcome to everyone new! Thank you to everyone for their posts.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: I see new people!:smile:

    Welcome! You will love it here. This is a great group and I'm starting to feel like they are all family! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: for everyone!

    I took the day off from exercise today because I'm quite achy from work. I seem to be the only merchandiser there right now, so i get to do most of the work!:laugh: I don't mind, though, because the time just seems to fly by.I do hope I get help soon because the spring orders are going to be coming in fast and thick!

    We'll be watching the Super Bowl tomorrow :drinker: and I have some good healthy snacks all planned and ready to go. They are not all the lowest calorie or fat (though they are a VAST improvement over previous years' snacks!) but they will also most likely be our main meal of the day so it will all work out.:happy:
    Can't wait to see The Who--and the commercials! Oh, and the game, of course!:laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new members.....you will love this group.....you'll find humor, inspiration, sharing from the heart, and great ideas for exercise and eating.

    :flowerforyou: DH and I had a wonderful day trip to Seattle but it was for a meeting so we got very little exercise beyond walking around the passenger cabin on the ferry for about 20 minutes each way......I ate very healthy---Isagenix shake for breakfast, Isagenix meal bars, apples, peanut butter during the day and , salad and stuffed pepper for dinner but with low exercise I went way over my calories and MFP says that if every day were like today I'd gain five pounds in the next five weeks. Fortunately tomorrow is cleanse day so that will help

    :flowerforyou: I'm exhausted so now it's time for bed
    :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie
  • Texemgirl
    Hi, Ladies! :smile:

    Thank you for sharing, Betty. I did exactly what you said ... even though I filled out my food diary, I wrote down exactly what I was going to eat and at what time. It helped a lot setting the alarm every two hours. Even though it was pure drudgery, I ate it all. I can so relate to you when you say that you used to start off starving yourself. I did that, too, when I first started, but soon found out that I couldn't stick with it. I used to pray so hard to God to take away my appetite and let me be anorexic; and now that I don't have an appetite, I'm scared. I guess I'd better watch out what I pray for! LOL! BTW, you are doing great!!! I saw your starting weight ... what an accomplishment! Congrats! :bigsmile:

    Renny, I hope you had a great time tonight celebrating your husband's birthday! :drinker:

    Cindy, I so remember that episode of I Love Lucy! It was sooo funny! I'd really appreciate it if you get the name of the tonic. I'll take it to my doctor and ask him about it. You are right ... you really don't want this problem. I have been this way since Thanksgiving morning, so it's been going on too long. You would think I'd have lost a ton fo weight, but I haven't. I keep saying I haven't lost an ounce, but in reality I have lost 5 lbs. I think I would have lost more if I hadn't been on bed rest. I hope your mom is doing okay now. Congrats on the 20 lbs! That is just wonderful! :happy:

    Yes, Rumpf1, it is very nice to have this site for support. :smile:

    Hi, Riowife! I'm brand new to this web site / forum, also. Good job on your first day! We'll all lose this weight together ... once and for all!. :heart:

    Jeannie, thanks for telling me about Remeron. I've written it down, and will ask my doctor about it. You have really made me laugh tonight. First about your dad and ice cream ... my dad was the same way - always room for ice cream! And your snowman cookies are so funny! Thanks for the laughs! :laugh:

    Kathy, thank you for the welcome. You are so right, it's a great group! Have fun watching the Super Bowl! :drinker:

    And Barbie, thank you for your warm welcome, too. :smile: I'm right with you ... going to bed right now myself.

    Again, thank you all for your help.

    Karen :flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi Everyone - still here!! Welcome to the newbies too :flowerforyou: ... does that make me an Oldy now?...

    Quick log in before the tribe arrive for a late Sunday lunch/tea. The two grandchildren are like a whirl wind!! I'm sure you all know or can imagine what it's like!!! Jessica's seven going on seventeen and loves to dance ...as they do!! Maybe I'll put on the Latin exercise DVD and we can give it a go!! :laugh:

    Bit disappointed that the lbs haven't come off again :cry: but hey ... I have maintained the loss and give it time and help from you all and I'm sure I will get to 147lb by the time I go off on holiday in March. Next weekend my youngest son and DIL visit with the newest grandson. Joanne's been going to slimming world club to lose her baby weight and has done well - I'm hoping I can show her a difference in me too.

    Appetite wise my Mum definitely has no problem. It's great to see her eat. We sit together every day for a cooked tea and we'd know she had a problem if she doesn't eat. Happened a while back and we found her dentures were hurting as she had an abscess in her gums. Dentist visits are fun as we get there and she asks"why am I here? - I have so few teeth!" After the X rays etc we found that ... and this is an inherited trait - that at 86 she has a tooth coming through in her top gum!! Thus the dentures hurt!. Next step - hospital appt to take tooth out. But with her age and medical condition with warfarin etc ...not to be rushed into. Anyway ... in the end , with antibiotics and mouthwash etc the abscess went and the gum settled, tooth receded back and all fine! She tackles anything again. My youngest son unfortunately inherited the Family Teeth and had them out when he was 11.

    Cold and a bit foggy here now. Am off to peel the spuds , put the beef in and make those yorkshire puds!! DH is in charge of the fruit crumble!!:drinker:

    Hope you've all had a great weekend and are ready to start as you mean to go on for the new week.:bigsmile:

    Cheers all
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone!

    It's a sunny, blue sky today with not a breath of wind to be felt. Looks great from inside my house, however, it is -13 Celsius (8 Fahrenheit).

    Welcome to all the Newbies! You will definitely feel like you are sitting around a virtual kitchen table having a cup of tea/coffee with all the ladies here. That's why I love this thread so much.

    Jackie - our dear friend from North Wales. You know, sometimes it takes a while for the light bulb over my head to come on. You've mentioned several times now about your cleaning calories. "DUH!! I said to myself. "Why am I not tracking MY cleaning calories too?" So thank you so much for mentioning that.

    As of this morning I will be faithfully wearing my heart rate monitor as I do any household chores and I will log it.

    This morning I was gathering my laundry (didn't get to it yesterday) and I was going up and down the stairs, bending and lifting the whole while with the clothes. Anyways, just doing that I burned 42 calories (and that is only with the first load going). So I gleefully put that in my log. LOL!! YEAH!! This is great incentive to have the cleanest house in the neighborhood. LOL.

    Also, just a quick thing, it was mentioned in a couple of posts that starvation used to be a method for trying to lose weight (glad you're not doing that anymore). However, to anyone else on this thread who is contemplating or is actively starving yourself to lose weight, please don't do it. It really is not a healthy way to care for your body. Our bodies are a gift and we must cherish and appreciate that gift, It's like that old saying "you can have all the money in the world, but if you don't have your health it's worthless."

    This is how I now look at weight loss. Think of your body as though it were a car. If you have no fuel in the tank, then you don't go anywhere (losing weight). You're at a stand still, nothing is happening. In order to lose weight, you must have the fuel in the tank to burn to get there (lose weight).

    My daily calorie goal (according to mfp) is 1200 calories daily. I log and keep track of all of the food and I always come in "just" under 1200 calories. I know that because I've keep the "right" type of fuel in my tank, I have successfully lost 17 pounds since January 2nd. This is absolute proof that nourishing and caring for the gift of your body, you will reap the rewards, by being able to have more energy and participating in life.

    So as I stated yesterday morning, I was going to treat myself to something "pretty" to reward myself for all of my hard work of loosing weight. Well, I went into a trendy store at the mall and I "dared" to try on one of those new tunic shirts that come halfway down the thighs and a pair of leggings. I could not believe how "pretty" I felt looking in the mirror. The shirt drape nicely like it's supposed to. The shirt has an empire waist so the rest of the shirt just hangs so nicely. I am so excited to wear this with a pair of ballerina style shoes. I'm visiting friends next weekend who I haven't seen since New Year's Eve, I'm going to wear this new outfit and see if they notice the weight loss. This will be fun!

    Cindy - I took your advice and I also bought a tulip plant that is about to explode into full bloom. Flowers really do cheer up the place.

    Anyways, I blabbered on enough and my cup of coffee has gone cold.

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    What an amazing day! More new people here to get to know. It wonderful! Welcome to all of you.

    I don't have time to do my usual individual responses. I need to get my exercises done before kids wake up. It's just easier that way.

    It looks like many of us are being proactive about the Super Bowl. We have a fruit tray that I bought and I'm going to put out a small cup of peanut butter to go with the apples that are in the tray. I will be making a veggie tray to go with it. We do have tortilla chips but instead of dips we have salsa and guacamole to go with it. Definitely a lot healthier than in past years. I was going to get some shrimp but couldn't find a good deal on them. :cry: So, we are going meatless. I did not give in to the hot wings or lil smokies.

    Go Colts! Go Saints! May the refs not blow the game for either team.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have a few minutes before I have to get busy on the real work of the day.

    :flowerforyou: I have been using the Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning system since March and it has been a huge part of my weight loss success along with exercise, and using all the tools of MFP to log food and exercise and keep in touch with positive, fun, encouraging women like all of you on this thread. I usually do my Isagenix cleanse day on Sunday so there won't be any question about eating the traditional football game snacks. This morning I have to write up the notes from the three and half hour meeting we went to yesterday.....when I finish that, I have a friend coming over, then we'll watch the Super Bowl...I can do laundry and some other paper shuffling chores while I watch the game.

    :flowerforyou: I love the car and your body metaphor for weight loss......fueling with good nutrition is the key.......1200 calories of oreo snack packs and wine is not the same as 1200 calories of lean meat or fish and veggies and whole grains. My plan includes nutritional cleansing which is like getting the oil changed in your car.

    :flowerforyou: I am fortunate that my husband eats the same way I do so I don't have the challenge of different meals and different needs like those of you with children and parents in your household.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, I am so happy to hear about your new clothes........The first time I bought a new shirt at a trendy store in size medium (after years of extra large), a friend told everyone that I had "reinvented myself"......that sounds like the journey you are taking......keep it up

    Time to get busy......:heart::heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: GOOD MORNING friends!! DH was sooo puzzled last night when I drove to the The Keg instead of Chinese buffet. But he ended up really enjoying it. It was a great experience for all of us and the steak was fantastic. Instead of potato I ordered extra vegetables. And the 4 of us shared a scrumptious dessert of which I had just a couple of bites. Drank 1/2 glass of wine and gave the rest to DH; drank lots of water instead. :smile: :smile:

    :grumble: Today I have to do bookkeeping, which I really have started resenting. :grumble: Also need to do laundry. So, I've put great music on to work by at sufficient volume to give myself a kick in the pants. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tonight we are having some friends over for DH birthday.

    :heart: Have a great Sunday, ladies! :heart:

  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    So many new people! I love it! I've been a member of MFP for awhile now and it wasn't until I found this thread that I really felt the support of the site. Thanks to all of you for that!
    Only me and my DH tonight for the superbowl so that will make my snacking choices quite easy. YEA!
    More snow here today - ugh. I think I'm starting to feel the effects of seasonal affective disorder. I need sunshine to keep my cheery self going. Maybe I'll try those tulip bulbs to brighten my spirits. I know eating right and working out help - but apparantly not enough.
    Oh - and I so agree with Debbie on eating right and not just eating 1200 calories of whatever you can find to put in your mouth. It's really all about choices.
    Hope everyone has a good day!