TheIncredibleShrinkingDan Member


  • On my iPhone I have Full Fitness. I use it to build gym workouts and track my results. It is also a good reference if you're not familiar with a specific exercise. It has lots of preloaded exercises and pre-built workouts.
  • That really sucks, man. Good luck in recovering them. Occassionally they are recovered in places where stolen goods are fenced--Craigslist, pawn shops, eBay, etc--so I'll hope for the best. Unfortunately honest people generally don't know those places...
  • You are probably already taking this into account but are you weighing yourself the same time every time (e.g., first thing in the morning)? That would help control variables like hydration levels. I'm 200 lbs (6'3") and sometimes my weight in the morning after a hard workout is six pounds different than before I went to…
  • I agree. If it were me I would not do it, unless you were willing to walk/run. I've had IT band injuries and have gotten sick from over training. Rule of thumb is to not increase your long run mileage by more than 10% at most and to taper the week before the race. Your long run mileage would have to look something like…
  • It's my dream trip too! I'm really psyched!
  • As others have said there are some really good lean protein options like tuna, salmon, crab and chicken in packets or cans that don't have to be kept cold or heated. If you like them, you can do sardines too. I like them but find they are a little bit anti-social. :-) Many can't stand the fishy smell. Though they are more…
  • I generally roll out of bed in the dark, get the workout clothes on half asleep, and go. It takes me 10 minutes to drive to the gym so I grab a small coffee and eat a bagel with PNB on the way. I sip water too but usually don't get more than a cup down. I know I should drink the water and not the coffee but that is my…
  • I think you might have figured this one out by yourself! :-) Had you built up to near 3.1 miles in training beforehand or did you wake up and decide to run a 5k? If it was the latter 3.1 miles let alone RACING 3.1 miles without preparation would do it! Hydrate, ibuprophen, rest, ice, maybe wrap your knees, and elevate…
  • This is a good way to start but at a slower pace as others have said--like 5 to 6 mph. Run 3x per week. Wk 1: Run 2 min, walk 1 for 20 minutes. Wk 2: Run 3 min, walk 1 for 20 minutes. Wk 3: Run 4 min, walk 1 for 20 minutes. Wk 4: Run 5 min, walk 1 for 20 minutes. Wk 5: Run 6 min, walk 1 for 20 minutes. You get the idea.…
  • I don't know your running experience so forgive me if you already know this but I'll offer a few rules of thumb that I follow to avoid injury when restarting a running program... - Increase my weekly mileage by no more than 8-10% per week - Increase my long run mile no more than 8-10% per week - Every fourth week cut my…
  • Rowing machine or circuit weight training--move quickly from one upper body exercise to the next. If you are open to learning to swim better I would recommend the Total Immersion video program. I literally taught myself a passable crawl stroke to be able to do triathlons from doing the drills in the video. You can find it…
  • Lots of good advice above. I would second the recommendation to pick a sprint distance triathlon first and not to go buy a lot of gear until you decide you love it--although I do have a gently used wet suit that I would sell you if you are 6'3". :-) I would also second the recommendation of…
  • We'll be carrying some gear. While the ride itself should be pretty intense due to the elevation profile of the rockies (and the fact that I live about 10k feet lower) the camping/bivvying aspect it is only "half camping." There are primitive huts at the end of every day stocked with dry goods. We won't have to carry food…
  • I ride a 575 myself. I love it! Unfortunately, I managed to break the frame in Moab two weeks ago and it is at Yeti now getting warrantied. Good news is I get a new frame. Bad news is that I'm on my old entry level hard tail for a few weeks, which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't now what I was missing (as I'm sure you can…
  • I'm an avid mountain biker training not for an endurance race per se but for a long multi-day ride from Durango to Moab in September. Though it is not a race I'm training like it is with a structured plan, diet, etc. The guys I'm going with are strong and I want to be able to hang with the pack--you know how it is.
  • Josh, I know your post is about two months old but I am also looking for other mountain bikers on here that are trying to trim up. I'm a mountain biker in AZ--but was in SF for six years. I've done some XTerra triathlons but don't race now per se. I'm 6'3" and about 200lbs. I'm trying to get into fighting shape for a 7 day…
  • Seeing your doctor is the right thing to do (as you know being a nurse) :smile: . I'll offer a couple of thoughts for once you get his okay to keep running... Because HR monitors measure the electrical impulses in your heart they can be really erratic at the beginning of your workout before your start to sweat. Sweat helps…